Jan 02, 2008 16:54
So I went out to the bar on new years and had a horrible time. I got there early and starting drinking cokes and I figured I would have a glass of champagne at midnight. And the people started pouring in. I was totally off my element that night, I just couldn't get into the party zone. I was alone, Dan didn't want to go out and Brigitte couldn't go out and I was bored off my ass sober. So I moped around the club grounds until about 11:30 and decided to go get my champagne for midnight. After standing in line for 15min. and still standing behind people I just got pissed and tired of waiting. Which usually Lock is pretty quick about getting everyones drinks. So I decided to go out to the beach and call Dan, I already warned him I would call him at midnight and wake him up. So I got him awake and by the time Darcel got on the mic 5 minutes before the countdown he was awake, and we counted down the new year together. Then I went to sit on a speaker box and all these people started gathering around it and I got to watch the back of their heads for about 10min and some fucking Asian assholes came over and started standing next to the box and then they started fucking leaning ON ME. Leaning right up against me. I finally just got tired of all the fucking people and decided to go home.
I didn't drink 'cause I was paranoid about a checkpoint. I was driving home and I figured that they would have a checkpoint around Mt. Dora. I'm driving home early after I had a terrible time, there was just too many people to be sober. I drove through Mt. Dora and when there was no checkpoint I started getting pissed off. Thinking to myself that they had better have a goddamn checkpoint after I had a horrible new year sober. Well they finally had the damn thing up on the corner of 441/473, which is right where I turn off to head to my house, so I was happy.
Now the thing that worried me most was I wonder if I had a horrible night a) because I just couldn't get in the zone, b) because there were just too many people there (I'm sure they passed their fire safety limit), or c) because I wasn't drinking. I don't drink all the time, only out at bars once or twice a month, but I don't want to be the type of person who cannot have a good time without a buzz, i.e. an alcoholic. Something that does run in my family, both on my mother and fathers side.