Interesting. $600 is getting closer to the target price range where it could start doing some serious damage to Canon and Nikon, though I really won't consider it a true threat to those two until it crosses below probably $450 or so, putting it below the entry level DSLRs. And it is about 1/4" less wide (left to right) than the E-P1, it appears, though it's also apparently slightly thicker (front to back). The pop-up flash is a nice add-on for sure. The comments about the noticeable lack of a control dial, however, do seem slightly worrying. And Olympus still likely has their slow AF problem, which won't help them.
Obviously, I'm not thinking about this camera much for myself since I got my GF1, which I'm perfectly happy and in love with. But I'm still really curious about how Panasonic and Olympus do in this space. I definitely see the light about these EVIL1 cameras. They really can make a presence. If you can retain most of the image quality of a DSLR, but shrink the camera down to a size where you're no longer really burdened by holding the camera, you have to imagine that the consumer space especially will dig something like this. The majority of DSLR users don't extend much beyond kit lenses anyway. EVIL might be good instead.2
Within 5 years, I think these EVIL cameras will quite likely be the ones dominating the higher end consumer space, not the entry level DSLRs that presently are in that spot. DSLRs will end up in the hands of the people willing to invest the time and money to use them, but maybe we'll then see improvement in terms of higher image quality for lower price (say, entry level full frame or something). And the rest will probably hope that cellphone cameras keep getting better.
Canon and Nikon had better hurry up and get a move on this. They probably can catch up like how Canon did with the S90. But it's going to require them to move soon.
1 That's actually the acronym they used for them. Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens. Though it wouldn't surprise me if
waynekaa would order
genjitsu to use one of these too. Not that
genjitsu wouldn't go willingly anyway. :D
2 Oh yes, that was so very very intentional.