Sankaku Complex. Warning: Site NSFW, though story is itself perfectly fine. However, do not click that link if you're at work. However, for the sake of making it clear what my brain is trying to wrap around, I'll reproduce the key text below the cut.
Lucky Star Engine Oil
The latest inexplicable moe-anime product tie-in to make its bid for the at times excessively profligate otaku wallet emerges: here we have no less than “Lucky Star Eco Engine Oil”, replete with “added peach fragance.”
The ita-oil™ (or ita-yu™) is ¥2,520 a litre, available in both peach and mint. It goes on sale June 20th.
Um... Whut? Now, I'll grant: otaku are made of some really scary stuff. But Konata-branded (and other characters, of course, but no one cares XD) SCENTED MOTOR OIL?!? That's a little bit off the wacky side of the scale even for me. They of course suggest that this is probably meant to go along with the whole massive itasha thing (decorated cars, usually in ludicrously intricate designs with anime characters or the like, or the more literal translation of "pain cars"). Still, can you imagine opening this character good, then pouring it into your car's engine. And then changing it after 3000 miles? Good God, that sounds horrible. This is, as the article suggests, almost certainly more a display thing. Of course, the idea of having some Yui/Kuroi-sensei mint-scented 5W-40 running in my minivan sounds awfully amusing. Though like hell am I really going to pay $25+/liter for motor oil to actually use. DX