Man, Now They're Not Even Making an Effort

Oct 17, 2007 16:55

Because kamuishirou1999 had to point it out, from's list:

MahouCon 2008
August 8-10
Huntington Beach, CA

Apparently, because CA doesn't have enough conventions or something, yet another anime convention needs to be added, this time scheduled for August in Huntington Beach. This is very rough still, apparently. But man, oh man, this site is just COMEDY GOLD so far.

Speculation: Whoever is organizing this isn't thinking this through, or might have his head in the clouds just a wee bit. Just some of the interesting things:

  1. At least the person didn't pick a date opposite a major convention on the West Coast. They just picked the date opposite Otakon. -_- Obviously, that's not going to help getting guests. Hell, it probably isn't going to help getting some attendees, either.
  2. Hurry, or else they might sell out all 3000 badges? What? Seriously? For the record, ALA had 1785 attendees in it's 3rd year. Sell out of all 3000 badges in it's first year in pre-reg? 4 words: NOT BLOODY FUCKING LIKELY.
  3. "if Hotel Huntington Beach is too small or the pre-Register number grow too big then MahouCon may move to anaheim convention center" Seriously, can I stop laughing now? Besides the atrocious grammar and terrible capitalization, the very idea that a first year fan-run convention would be large enough to need Anaheim Convention Center is absurd bordering on surreal. This guy probably has not even tried to get someone with actual planning experience with a real con, who knows what the hell the costs are like. ::sigh:: Why does this sound familiar?
Also, seriously, this guy's web design sensitivities sorta remind me of my own... circa 1997. The only thing is the guy forgot to USE FRAMES AND A BLINK TAG FOR EPICNESS. And I really hope kate_andy or scruffyrebel aren't looking at this site, because the capitalization and grammar might give either of them seizures. My grammar and sentence structure is atrocious at times in blog posts, but I think I could write better than that with one half of my brain excised from my skull.

My guess: either a really poorly executed scam or more likely complete and total wide-eyed greenhorn who has NO IDEA what he's doing. NO IDEA! NONE! HE KNOWS NOTHING! (50 brownie points if you get the reference and aren't named Jeff, even if it isn't quite a direct quote. XD) If I were a more active person, I'd probably drop in on the ACML and try to figure out what REAL convention chairs and staffers have heard about this, but meh. It almost doesn't seem worth the effort.

The contact information trace all seems to point to the main person being a certain Hung Nguyen from Garden Grove, CA. Which is nearly useless, since Garden Grove is home to one of the largest Vietnamese communities outside of Vietnam (Little Saigon), and a name like Hung Nguyen is likely to be fairly common, I think. However, Mr. Nguyen, if by some weird random chance you're reading this, let me state this for the record: if you want to be taken more seriously, try at least talking this over with someone who can provide a serious sanity check. Because if this your plan, you need one.

I'd continue bitching about just how many conventions in this state are not well thought out at all, but that'd take forever, and frankly, even bolded caps lock is not loud enough for some of the stupidity in planning in this state. -_-

wtf, rants, anime conventions

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