Proven once again that in the face of a challenge like trying to get stuff done for AX that I can still outlazy anyone. I've been so unproductive today and yesterday. Most of the food stuff is done. But planning has been dead in the water. And don't ask about Animazement pics or pics from the JapanLA party. I've been dodging those like the plague. :/
Current Shooting Schedule (version 8 rev. a) - Updated 6/25 8:21AM PDT So, um, some notes going forward. There's pretty much almost no slack time built into that schedule. That is, I don't think there's a lot of time to compensate against people running late. For that matter, I don't have a hell of a lot of time blocked off against us running late. o_o. I guess I'd better make sure I wear my watch. Given that, if you're going to run significantly late to any of the shoots,
try to call me and let me know (note: friends locked post). Don't know if I can push things around in my schedule too much. But to the limit that schedule will allow, we'll try.
I still need to figure out a meeting point, and where the shoots are all going to happen. Some of it is planning, some of it is adaptation to the situation. Most likely, the meeting point is going to be for most shoots the area between the Hyatt and the LBCC. Yes, it's a high traffic area, but it's also central to a lot of things, which makes it an easy point to reach.
Just a reminder: I'm not exactly a visionary when it comes to photography. That is, if you guys have ideas for how you want the shots to look, or for poses, bring them. I'm going to try to do as much research as I can sneak in during the workday and evenings to have some ideas for poses, but for the most part, when I wing it, I don't tend to be particularly creative. At most I'll probably ask about the character archetype, and work from there, if I can.
Oh, for Disposable Challenge folks: I don't think I'll have any time available on Sunday to pick up cameras. Is everyone okay with letting the challenge end on Monday instead? Basically, a little bit of extra time if you guys need it. If you want to drop them off early, again, give me a call. I'll send out my cell # with an email this week (in case you guys can't see the above post).
Seriously, next year, probably'll have to have a cap on us. This year is insane, but we'll fight through.