i dont fuckin know

Apr 07, 2005 23:46

im so damn bored rite now im not even really thinking about what im typing! i wouldnt have even updated but boredom sux balls and im tired of fucking playing solitaire! i keep losing and its pissing me off!! theres nothin to do and no one to talk to rite now! also, my plans to have a bbq this weekend went to shizzle! everyones either working, leaving, or not answering their phone!! hopefully next week will be a better time! *sigh* i dont really know what the hell else to say! fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck!! so im tryin out this not calling the girl i love as much! i must say its kinda hard not because i cant do it but just cuz i dunno. i think about her all the time, and wonder what shes doing! i know i know...i sound like such a loser/dousche but i cant help it! its kool and all cuz now when we talk we have a bit more to say and i guess thats whats important so im willing to suck it up for her! i hope i dont slip this time though! i dont think i will though! i mean its hard but i just gots ta keep saying in my head "just chill man! yall r still talkin just not as much! just wait it out big dawg!" and no i dont really call myself big dawg! turfo's in jail again! which fuckin sux! 2 days from freedom and he goes back in! so im in a weird ass place rite now! actually just a bored as hell place! w/ all this not calling as much and having turf be in jail, im becoming increasingly bored in the confines of my computer room!! well i think thats all i have for rite now! see youz guyz the next time im deathly bored!
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