Mar 28, 2002 11:54
Well... lets see. I have alot to say but dont feel like sayn it all at this moment but I did feel the urge to write. First of all let me say that the purple idea I had in a previous entry should I put it? Retarded fits I think. Anyways I did do some research on the terrorist attacks of 9-11 and the 23 enigma. What I found was somewhat intresting. I found that there was 6 accourances that 23 poped up. The first plane crash was at 8:23. The plane was a boeing 767-223. the second plane was a boeing 757-223. The total amount of pass. on all 4 planes stolen was 232. There were 19 terrorists, 2 united airlines and 2 american airlines. 19+2+2=23. And the biggest thing of all the date 9-11-2001. 9+11=20 2+0+0+1=3 20+3=23. Anyways the number was 6 wich made think of christian and catholic dogma and the 3 antichrists and the mark of the beast is suppose to be 666. It is said that Laden is one of the 3 antichrists. so I have a hypothosis at the moment that Im going to research that there will be 6 23 enigmas for each antichrist. Im going to explore the halocaust for 23's and see what I come up with because some say Hitler was one of the antichrists (but all he did was kill jews and they dont believe in jesus so maybe he wasnt an antichrist) of the dogma.
I heard a rumor that Steven Tyler is trying to raise 20 million dollars so he can be shot into space and write a song while in orbit and play it on live tv while still in space. That has got to be the most biggest bunch of bullshit just so people will send him money so he can go to fuckn space. Whats he goin to write "Love in a spaceship"? If were goin to send someone into space shouldnt it be someone who is a songwriter and a singer? Like Neil Diamond, Neil young, Prince I dont know some one who is known for writing songs. So please dont send him any money.
Hmmm... I would like to say congratulations to TOOL for taking home an Grammy for best metal performance. Were happy your mom did your dad too Justin.
I guess Ill finish this with a dream. I was at a farm and I was walking around with the farmer. I noticed something strange about the cows. I walked over to them and I noticed that they had wooden horse heads attached to there ass and they were walking backwards. I asked the farmer the reason for the horse heads on the cows ass. He simply said "I dont want to upset the horses" which for some reason made since at the time. Then I woke up. But the moral of the story is... "You cant make a horse by putting a horses head on a cows ass." You heard here first folks, thoughs are words to live by.
Im going to add one more quote "Dont follow in the footsteps of the ancient masters but do seek what they sought."-Boshu early 1300's