Wow! Has it really been that long?...

Jan 05, 2010 18:54

So I made a deal with myself this new year.

Yeah, one of those stupid new year's resolutions. I am going to post once a day.

I would like to get back into writing again. I just haven't been able to because of the shop and what not. But I think I can devote an hour a day to this.

Yes, I can.

*nods head emphatically*

I will even try to include photos.

So whether it be me droning on about life in general or something I've written, I will post.

And look! I've gone back to the pretty Orli header and my new default icon is Justin because I dunno. Him saying 'fuck' like that is just so damn sexy. :P

Now that that's over, I would like to thank minnimax, jackieville, firehead30, such_a_steph and metafascinating for the virtual snowflakes and snowflake cookies. That was so sweet of you guys. :)

And to fansee and jackieville (once again - you really are too sweet hon), thank you for the Christmas cards! *smooches*

So in keeping with the blogging, has any of you ever deep fried a turkey before? It's really a blast.

And seriously, how can a person not like injecting a turkey with a super long needle, rubbing it down with herbs and spices, impaling it on a skewer and then lowering it into a vat of boiling hot oil for an hour.

I find it quite therapeutic myself.

And have you ever injected a turkey before? LOL! You can watch as the whole turkey inflates. Botox for fowl.

After having done that, I named our dinner Angelina Jolie.

How was your holiday?

thanks, update, frying turkeys

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