"Death Does Not Become Him" Chapter 11 Orlibean

Jun 11, 2008 17:59

Yes, I know.

I've been bad.

I'm sorry.

I've been taking a much needed break. But I'm back.

And here's the next chapter.

It's kind of a pivotal one. :)

Title: Death Does Not Become HimChapter 11 ( Read more... )

death does not become him, orlibean

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Comments 37

doylebaby June 12 2008, 01:13:27 UTC
Hey she's back! good to see you again, hon!

Orlando finally made the right decision, thanks to Maureen, but why do I have a bad feeling about him taking a detour...


slave_o_spike June 12 2008, 01:23:16 UTC
Hey you!!!

Yep I'm back. I hope I haven't lost readers on this one. LOL!

Yes and you know me so well. The detour...well...it is me...




liriel1810 June 12 2008, 01:22:26 UTC
MARIA!!! *glomps* Missed you! Missed Shani too. I sent her a message but haven't gotten a response. I hope she's okay.

I'm off to read now!


slave_o_spike June 12 2008, 01:24:35 UTC
She's okay now too. I think it's something in the air up here in the Pacific Northwest. LOL!

*glomps onto you too*

Awaiting patiently for your response...



(The comment has been removed)

slave_o_spike June 12 2008, 01:38:48 UTC
A spanking?


Now you're just making me hot. :)

*hugs you back*

Thank you!!!!


liriel1810 June 12 2008, 01:36:03 UTC
Poor Maureen. *hugs her* It's so sad when someone is completely consumed by guilt and unable to get past it.

I'm really really glad Orlando listened to her, where he wasn't willing to listen to Viggo. He definitely needs to tell Sean, if that means Sean doesn't want to be around him cause he's 'fucking nuts', well, at least he'll be alive, right?

Loved the whole 'Viggo never yells' thing too. *g*

Billy has shit timing though. They should just take a taxi and let Orlando do what he has to do before it's too late or he loses his nerve again!

Excellent update, hon! *smoochcuddles*


slave_o_spike June 12 2008, 01:41:33 UTC
Billy does have shit timing, doesn't he? *spanks Billy*

*spanks him again cuz he has such a cute bottom*

I love Maureen and she is truly one of my most tragic characters I've ever written. I came up with the idea of her when sitting at a bench in front of Target waiting for Joe to come and get me.

He usually listens to Viggo, but in this instance he needed an extra push. Sometimes the people we listen to the most can't even penetrate our muddled brain.

*smooches and cuddles with you*

*watches Pirates on the telly together*


liriel1810 June 12 2008, 01:44:49 UTC
ooh,yummy, pirates!

Dom needs a spanking too... or a hit with my cricket bat, for wanting to go to that place in the first place.

Maureen really is very tragic.

You know, sometimes, I agree, we just need someone who doesn't know us to tell us the same thing the people we trust are saying before we finally realize that yeah, we need to fix that.

I'm rather worried about the whole East LA thing though. You're not going to hurt Sean while Orlando's been diverted, are you? *worries*


slave_o_spike June 12 2008, 02:07:35 UTC
Now would I hurt Sean?


You'll see. (I have chapter 12 half written).

Don't be mad with Dommie. This is a real burrito place and the burritos are TO DIE FOR!!! When hubby and I first came back to Los Angeles on vacation, one of the places we went to that day was this place.

You have to order in Spanish because the workers are illegal and can't speak English but oh, it's sooo good.

Yummy pirates and burritos.

*cuddles with you on couch to watch movie AND eat amazing burrito*


jackieville June 12 2008, 02:08:49 UTC
*squishes and clings* I have missed you so much and it's so wonderful to see you!!!!! *loves*

I am so very hooked on this story and always will be! Love Love Love it!!!! It is nerve wracking, exciting, and amazing!!!! I am so worried about Orli and Seanie!!! *bites nails*


slave_o_spike June 12 2008, 02:33:57 UTC
*clings to you like the very best cling wrap*

It's nice to be back! :)

It is a bit nerve wracking, innit? I'm evol. *smiles evolly*

Yeah, I certainly am putting Orli and Seanie through their paces. The next chapter will be quite...eye-opening. :P

Thank you!!!!!


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