Brian/Justin Standalone "Justin's Very, Very, Very Excellent Day"

Sep 13, 2007 18:30

So remember how I said Karma kicked me in the ass the other day by giving me cramps after I wrote Justin getting cramps in Justin's Baby?

I decided to try a little experiment...

I think you know what's coming. critic75 said I should write Justin winning the Lotto and wait for the money to roll in. I decided to go a few steps further...

So here's a little cracky standalone I call...

Justin's Very, Very, Very Excellent Day
Pairing: Brian/Justin; Justin/The Fellowship; Justin/Spike's coat
Rating: R I guess.
Warning: for silliness

Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, the fellowship, Spike's coat, etc, etc...

"Oh God Brian. I think that was the best sex we've ever had!" Justin exclaimed after he came for the second time.

"I have to admit you're right," Brian said, trying to get up off the bed. "I'm glad we filmed it so you could enjoy watching it over and over and over again."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Justin said as he got up off the bed.

"Um, Sunshine, you might wanna put a robe on before you get that.""

This, coming from the man who opened the door for the Police Chief and their employer wearing nothing but a dishtowel." Justin put his sweats on and raced to the door, sliding it open all the way.

"I have a delivery for one Justin Taylor."

"That's me!"

"Sign here sir," the man droned as he handed Justin the tablet.

"What is it?" Justin said excitedly.

"I only deliver the packages sir. I don't look inside them." The man handed a package to Justin and left.

Justin opened the box and pulled out a long black coat.

"What is it?" Brian asked, wrinkling his nose, as he walked into the living area.

"Oh my God Brian!!!! Do you know what this is?" Justin shrieked as he held up the long coat.

"A ratty leather coat that's a few years out of date?" Brian smirked.

"It's Spike's coat! I's James Marster's coat! The one he wore when he was filming Buffy!" Justin inhaled the scent of the lining and sighed. "And it smells like him too." Justin quickly put the coat on. "It fits Brian! It fits."

"How do you know that's his coat?"

"Because it says right here. 'This was the coat worn by James Marsters during the sixth season of Buffy. Enjoy.'"

"And how do you know that's his smell? This seems like a hoax to me."

"I don't know Brian. I had a feeling this would be my day and I think this coat was his."

"Justin," Brian sighed as he turned the television set on.

"And now for the winning lotto numbers," the television set blared out, "after this announcement."

"Oh, turn this up Brian. I bought a ticket yesterday," Justin squealed.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Brian sighed again. "That's such a waste of money."

"It was a whopping one dollar Brian! One dollar could win you two-hundred-eight million!"

"One dollar a starving college student can't really afford," Brian smiled.

"I'm hardly starving Brian," Justin retorted in his 'duh' voice.

"That's for sure," Brian said as he pinched the side of Justin's waist and then turned it into a tickling match.

"Stop! Stop! The numbers are on," Justin said and watched as the six numbers were displayed on the television set.

"Oh my God! Brian! Brian! I won!!! I won!!!!" Justin shrieked as he started jumping up and down in the living area.

"No shit," Brian said with a furrowed brow.

Before Justin could react again, there was a knock at the door. When Brian answered, he saw a basket lying on the ground with a note saying FOR JUSTIN.

"This better not be a fucking baby," Brian muttered.

Brian opened the basket and saw a large chocolate molten dessert with a huge scoop of cold ice cream. The second note said EAT ME.

"Hey Alice. Someone wants you to eat this cake!"

"Oh my God! That's my most favorite dessert in the world!!!" Justin grabbed a spoon off the counter and went to start eating the huge concoction.

"Hold on a minute there. You don't know where this came from."

"I don't care." Justin then dug his spoon into the tempting treat and gobbled the thing down right in front of Brian.

"Do you know how many calories you just consumed with that thing?"

Justin rubbed his belly. He walked into the bathroom and got on the scale.

Justin took one look at the scale and screamed.

Brian came running into the bathroom. "I told you. You had to get on the scale, didn't you?"

"Brian! It's not what you think! I know what I weighed this morning. I just got on the scale after eating that thing and I lost weight. And look! It cleared up my skin!!!!"

"Well fuck that. Was there another piece of cake in there?"

Just then, another knock sounded at the door.

"Hold on, I'm answering the door," Brian said as he pushed past Justin.

Brian reached for the handle and pulled the door open.

Standing on the threshold was the Fellowship.

Brian raised one eyebrow. "Can I help you?"

"We have followed our quest and come seeking the Sunshine," Aragorn said regally.

"Right this way," Brian said. "Oh Sunshine!" Brian called out in a sing-song voice. "There are some people here to see you." Brian looked back at the people standing in his loft. "You're gonna love this."

Justin walked in and stopped as he took in the scene in front of him.

"Um...hi," Justin waved nervously.

Aragorn ran over to Justin. "I seek to plant my sword in your sheath."

Brian leaned in to whisper in Justin's ear. "That means he wants to fuck you."

Boromir ran up at this moment. "And I will lend my sword alongside my fellow warrior."

"Oooh," Brian said as he licked his lips. "Some DP action..."

"And I wish you to stroke my bow," Legolas said. "And after our coupling is past, Aragorn, Boromir and myself shall couple with each other for hours for your amusement."

"And what will the rest of the Fellowship be doing while we're in a foursome?" Justin asked in a daze.

"Waiting their turn, of course," Aragorn said as he shook his head.

"Please, tell me, Gandalf and the dwraf aren't here. Or oh God! Frodo," Justin exclaimed worriedly.

"Nay," Boromir said, "they could not come, but Eomer, Haldir and Faramir have decided to come in their place. Does that meet with your approval?"

Justin looked over to where the three men stood and waved.

"Oh fuck yeah! So what are we waiting for?" Justin said and made for the bedroom.

Just then, another knock came at the door.

"Brian? Could you get that?" Justin said. "I'm gonna be a little busy."

"Yeah, sure, it'll probably be the cast from Deliverance for me," Brian muttered as he opened the door to a man standing in a cheap suit.

"Mr. Justin Taylor? Are you Mr. Justin Taylor?"

Brian looked back at the bedroom where he could hear moans of pleasure. "No, but I wish I was right now. What can I do for you?"

Brian tried to cough to cover up the loud noises coming from the bedroom.

"I'm with the IRS."

Brian furrowed his brows. "Is Justin in trouble?"

"No," the man laughed.

Something he obviously didn't do very often. "We've decided that Mr. Taylor shouldn't have to pay taxes."

"Come again?" Brian said. Brian looked back when he heard someone scream. "It looks like someone has too."

"Mr. Taylor does not have to pay all...ever again."

"That's what I thought you said. Well, I'll pass that message onto him," Brian said nodding.

Brian coughed again to cover up an 'Oh my God' that came from the bedroom.

"Thank you." Brian watched as the man left. As he turned to walk into the bedroom, he caught a wink Eomer threw his way.

Brian walked into the bedroom to be met with a very erotic scene. Justin was splayed out on their bed, a look of bliss evident on his face, while Aragorn and Boromir were conducting their own quest in Legolas' ass.

"Oh God Brian," Justin moaned.

He then moaned again when he realized he had woken up. Justin shot up from bed and wiped the sleep from his eyes. "Brian! Brian!"

Brian woke with a start. "What? What is it?" Brian ran his hand through his hair. "Another nightmare?"

"No Brian. It was like the best dream in the whole world. Oh God! I won the Lotto...and Spike's coat...and my favorite dessert and I wasn't gaining weight...and the IRS guy and oh God!!! The Fellowship. The Fellowship was here," Justin said excitedly as he bounced on the bed.

"What were they doing here?" Brian asked. "Wait," Brian said and scratched his head, "what Fellowship?"

"You know, from the Lord of the Rings movie."

"Oh...silly me. What were they doing here?"

"They were having sex with me," Justin said dreamily.

"Oh," Brian said. "Oh! didn't have it with that Frodo freak, did you?"

"Brian," Justin sighed, "I said it was a dream, not a nightmare!!!"


Okay, I love fb. I will get back to it. I must run off to my son's curriculum night now. God how I hate those!!!

bj standalone

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