Apr 05, 2004 22:07
Don't you just hate it when people ask you your opinion about something and your opinion happens to go against them and they say you've ruined their day. ANd then the next day they completely ignore the fact that you've been crying all day cause
they actually ruined yours and go on ahead with their little project? Don't you just hate it when they ask for your opinion and your ideas and you tell them and they say you are overreacting or overdramatic or irrational? Don't you just hate it when they ask you for your opinion and your ideas and when you don't answer them they say you are a stupid and uncaring and selfish and ungrateful bitch?
Don't you just hate when you can just throw rocks at yourself and end it all but you can't cause you know you are better than that?
Don't you just hate it when people start livejournal entries with: Dont you just hate it?
On a happier note: I am in love with Jack Davenport and The Darkness. I don't know what it is with me and super hot British men but there is something.
::sings:: Get your hands off my woman you motherfucker ::quits singing::
::sings:: And we're called gondoleris but thats a vagary its quite honorary the trade that we ply ::quits singing::
::awkward moment::
-Love mr. poofy cheeks