
Nov 20, 2005 15:12

i had a weird dream. i just woke up and i am going to attempt to write it down. i dont remember how it started. but i remember i was with aja and ambby.it seemed like we were on tremont ave, down aslyum. but no stores were the same. aja wanted to get her mom a fish. for some reason i think the fish was called a flecken, i dont know what the fuck that is, but it seems like that i what i remember. but yeah, i remember going in the place and it looked like a tattoo piercing place, but covered in fish tanks,some spiders, snakes etc. but it was mostly fish. and for some reason i remember being in there, and then being in a bedroom there. i remember that fish was chasing me around... like i would be laying on something and it would jump at me as if the ground was covered in water. and it kept pissing me off and no matter how elevated i got it would still attack me. so i layed on something and it jumped over and caused it to get stuck somewhere and it died. then i went into the bedroom and i slept in there that night. i dont know why, but i remember the boss coming back and i was getting dressed or something. so after that i left. some reason the place didnt have that great of a business but stil stayed open. so i think the next day or something i had to go back cause the wish aja wanted to get died. so i went into a place, and i remember seeing my lip ring on the floor but didnt pick it up. and then i went to the fish place and when i opened the first door to the coat room type thing there was a box on the floor with 2 spiders in it. the box was damaged and one of the spiders was dead. so i opened the door looking for another fish to buy and the people look at the dead spider thinking it was mine so they said they take care of the box or something and i got to keep the living spider which was cool. i then asked abotut the fish and they said they were sold out and not getting anymore until next year. they get all sympathic and wanted to give me soemthing else, and they thought i traveled from like middle america oon bike or a skateboard. so they didnt want to send me home empty handed. so i called aja to get my lip ring and to figure out what other fish she wanted. so i was standing in there mad long with them filling out papers. and it said on those papers i was born and lived in the bronx, but they kept believing i was outta state. and then i woke up. yea i know its a very weird dream without a point. i just want to know what flecken is lol. oh well, UA gives people mad strange dreams, and many people will agree. hope you had not understand what the fuck is going on in my head <3


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