day 1 very first anime
naturally. : D
day 2 fave anime youve watched so far
well it depends on what mood im in at the time. but you know when it comes down to it, its gotta be..
day 3 anime crush?
yanoo..♥tamamhome♥~ comes to mind.
bahh hes just so cool. <3
but i also like..
and...of course..its kind of a battle between..
the a type and b type..bah dont they just look like they should be in top gun?? love it
day 4 anime you're ashamed you enjoyed?
well, just a little..
but maybe im just ashamed of HOW MUCH i enjoyed it..i think i was more into that anime than anything at the
day 5 anime character you feel you are the most like (or wish you were)
wellll lets start off with the ones i claimed i "was" when i was really young into it and still playing when you claim youre the pink power ranger ..haha..
lol but the one for reals..
saw that one comming huh lol
day 6 most annoying anime character
hmm thats tough..oh wait! definately..
i hated her guts. may have stemmed from the infactuation from duo/heero/trowa but still haha.
day 7 favorite anime couple
you saw this one comming too..
i actually didnt get jealous!
day 8 most epic scene ever
i used to get really into the fights between the gundams. haha
day 9 saddest anime scene
lol i was just thinking of this.
(from the end..waaa)
day 10 favorite slice of life anime
ive never really watched those, they are recent i think.
day 11 favorite mech series
obviously XD
day 15 post a cute neko girl
isnt that tokyo mewmew?
day 16 favorite tsundere
he comes to mind..apparently weasels are a heero yuy's best friend.
day 17 something moe
genki da ne!- just kidding a lot of people think of moe as something cool but its not really my thing
day 20 favorite shoujo anime
saw that one comming lol
day 23 anime you think had the best, or most intrueguing art
i havent actually watched it, but i really like Ayakashi:Mononoke's art.
also really like michiko to hatchin's
day 24 favorite anime hero or heroine
? i have no clue.
day 27 fave opening theme
for some reason its the 2nd op to ranma..
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day 28 favorite pokemon
i like raichu too, especially when he says his name haha. rai raichu rai!
day 30 fave anime ending theme..
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