Loki-Boki - Update

Nov 27, 2007 11:43

Loki's official bday is 8/9/07... so that means he's almost 4 months now..  (pictures will have to wait cause the most recent ones were taken on mom's camera and she hasn't loaded them up yet, and i've misplaced my camera).

He's 95% potty trained... we have a bell that he knocks around to tell us eh wants out, but if we leave benji's door open or if he's upstairs wtih polo, he'll poo in benji's room or on the stairs.. :/   adn we did have two pee accidents since thanksgiving, one that night where i think all the extra people kinda confused him, he went behind teh couch, and one as soon as we went up stairs a few nights ago, cause i forgot to take him out before we came up.   both times i cought him in the act, ran outside with him and he finished... before when i did that he wouldn't finish... so progress all around :)

Oh and always working on him not nipping so much.  He's pretty good wtih me when i say "OW" or "eeeh!!"  he'll back off and be more gentle, but with benji and polo... well if they'd listen/copy me it'd be better for them.. but they don't.. so i'm working on training all three of them for this.

List of Tricks ordered from Best known to leaset:
Sit - Sit
Paw - Gives paw/shakes

*Does most of the time, specially if he knows treats are involved, working on doing without so many treats*
Down - Lies down
Stay - Sits stay at the door before going in or our, eventually will try staying at other places
Speak - Barks/growls once - Problem with this is that its if i do it once closer to dinner time, he barks the whole time trying to be re-warded for it.
Come - Comes here (works best with benji cause I usually give him the treat for this one)
High5 - High 5 with one or both paws (next step after paw)
Be a Bear - Stands on hind legs to get treat
Crawl - Crawls while lying down

*working on, Lots of treats used*
Say Polo - Barks twice, trying to get him to growl it cause it sounds more like PoooRoooo when he does.
Wave - Waves paw (next step after high 5)
Roll over - Rolls over

*working on, no treats*
Heel - Just basic manners walking on the leash
Give - Give whatever he has in his mouth
Leave it - Leave things alone

*Ideas to work on in the future*
Pray - I saw a rottie do this at the vet.. you kneel down and have the dog put both paws on your leg, then have the dog stick his head between his paws (to get the treat)
Dance - Next step after "be a bear," hoping on hind legs
Circle - Spins around... maybe chase tail?
Get toy - Go finds toy
Get Benji - go seek out benji
Crate - Go in crate must bust buy one first

Any ideas?

loki, puppy

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