(no subject)

Jan 10, 2007 16:21


I've got a kabillion things I wanna post about, but gotta wait till i can sort through pictures and everything..

I've tried to keep up on reading LJ.. it seems there's a few new kitty additions? YAY MORE KITTENS!

Also, since i've been gone has anybody gotten a wii? what's yer number?
Again, mine's: 0996 1533 8755 2544

Future posts will be about:
Amazon Herbs
The Flight from Hell
Showing Polo Hawaii
Bishop Mueseum with Benji and DINOS
New Years
A BILLION BENTO BOXES all for 1 dollar each!

Oh there's been rumor that Tiber and Vlad have been grooming each other, although I have yet to see it.

AND Yoshi laid 6 eggs! OMG! there's no daddy, so none of them will hatch. I've given her a box tho to so she can nest as much as she want until she leaves them, although i think one is cracked, i'm going to have to try to sneak that away from her before it rots.

bento, cats, benji, new years 2007, christmas 2006, yoshi, vlad, hawaii 2006, wii, polo, tiber

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