(no subject)

May 15, 2006 11:46

Quick update.. bigger one with pictures coming later.

Exercising for this week:
MWF - WP 20 minutes, Si6 Ab routine 10 minutes
TTH -  Si6 - 25 minutes Start it up Routine - Calorie burner and squats

Mother's day morning was great.... Went to Lake Washington, got their early enough to rent a boat.. saw marsh life, herons, ducks, tutles, fish, lilpads... had dimsum on the lake.. tried everthing but the sticky rice.. was out for an hour and a half  there was a for the boats when we got back. I never saw them sell out before!

Then we went up to ToysRus and got benji a toddler booster seat for the car.  He's to big for the baby seat and complains constantly that its hurting him.

Then we stopped at the near by park as they had a reopening day, and snagged some cake :D and went home.

Later that day I decided to try the Sticky rice wrapped in bannana leaves, and about a half hour later i noticed a rash on me.  I've NEVER been allergic to anything before.. so it kidna freaked me out.  but its gone now.. It was all up my arms and into my face.. to some benadryl and went to bed.  :|

exercise, mother's day

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