Malade, Encore Une Fois...

Oct 03, 2004 11:30

I'm fucking sick again. Sinus infection #2 of 2004. Being sick is something that drives me insane because I get so frustrated having to blow my nose every .2 seconds and not being able to breathe through my nose. I get winded by basically doing nothing and eating is a project. I should've expected this because I usually get two sinus infections per year - one in the spring, and one around the time school starts up again. Bleh. At least this time I tackled the problem earlier than usual. Usually I think I can ride out the storm and just take Tylenol Sinus or something ineffective for a week or so before I turn to a doctor for stronger meds. And I tried to get a doctor's appointment this weekend, but with no luck. And with class and work during the week, I wouldn't be able to get an appointment this week til Wednesday. So I just came home and luckily my mom still had some antibiotics that she stole from the doctor's office she used to work at. It seems to be helping so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. However being sickly proved to be super fun at church this morning when I had to read in front of 150 people with my nasal voice and phlegmy coughing.

This weekend has proved to be rather uneventful. Friday night Eric, Heather and Jer came over for some Turbo Cranium, the new "it" activity for us. Yesterday I rotted at home with Anthony while I did laundry and made a quick trip to the mall - which involved me buying nothing because I have LITERALLY $8 to my name. I've made a nice life for myself. Thankfully he was my savior this week and paid my rent until I can pay him back this Friday. Bi-weekly paychecks are almost as annoying as sinus infections.

This week begins the string of hell weeks I will be having at school until the semester ends. My classes are so staggered in their exams that I have at least one every week til Christmas vacation. This week it's Abnormal Psych and Management. Can't wait.

My mother is pressuring me to go visit my aunt. Perhaps I'll do that, come back and get my haircut and then head back to Amherst. Peace out, G's.
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