SO, HERE I AM My last watercolor class with Astrid Sheckels took place on Tuesday. It was a great class taught by a talented illustrator with all those 'extra skills' important to being a very good teacher as well. It was a beginning class and it was taught in a very traditional way, in that we worked all eight sessions with only six colors-two reds, two blues and two yellows. The focus was on color mixing while learning the nuances of watercolor as a medium. The class worked a number of assigned paintings. The last one was our choice.
I had been looking forward to bringing this medium closer to home on a piece that would be in my style. Something where I could see how it would translate into what I've come to label my art as a caricature-portrait. What better choice than the artist's proverbial "model who's always there-The Self-Portrait."
Here's where I left off when class time ran out on Tuesday. Let's hope I can get back into a schedule that I had become accustom to over these last eight weeks and get down and get to work on getting this finished so that it doesn't become the artist's proverbial "unfinished masterpiece."