OK, so do you know where you are?...
We left off last at the corner.
See the corner, right of the window?
Here's the details from there:
1. Shrine to Useless Things Worth Keeping
My stuff on my file cabinets.
2. John Lennon
1973 oil painting during summer break between year one and two at the Art Institute of Boston.
3. Marilyn poster
My friends buy me Jack Daniels or Marilyn stuff for gifts.
4. Sketches and Portraits
Like the ABC's that run along the top of the blackboard in a classroom.
5. Pee Wee Herman and my first bass guitar
6. Jurassic Plant and Gun That Sings
A philodendron with a dinosaur in it and an art school prop.
7. Singing Nuns 'neath a potted palm
These are just on loan from the spare room as it's my intent to keep this table free for "work in progress."
8. WIP wall
One of my main goals was to free up some wall space to hang works in progress as Jessica and Kurt are demonstrating here.
9. the tour continues...
...as we round the next corner.
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http://www.kslatts.com/images/studio-07-LRG.jpg 1. Bob Dylan poster
My youngest son left a lot of Dylan posters behind. Lucky dad!
2. Scanner and Printer
My only scanner and a printer good for B&W stuff. Both OS9 only.
3. OS9 computer
When I upgraded there was too much that I couldn't leave behind so my OS9 system found a new permanent home in my studio configuration.
4. Stool for all sittings
This stool bops around from computer desk to writing desk and sometimes serves as a ladder!
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http://www.kslatts.com/images/studio-08-LRG.jpg 1. Bulletin board and T-square
The bulletin board is now hard to reach from over the computer so it has become a shrine of more Useless Stuff like concert tickets and business cards.
2. Glasses holder
Made back in art school, this long nosed head holds a collection of glasses I have worn over the years.
3. OS9 computer
When I upgraded there was too much that I couldn't leave behind so my OS9 system found a new permanent home in my studio configuration.
4. Godzilla the Hub Holder
This monster holds the hub for switching the printers from my OS9 system to my iMac and vice-versa.
5. Epson printer
Most of the high quality printing is done from here.
6. Band Posters (and stuff)
Where some of my favorite posters of the bands I've played in are displayed.
7. Illustrated 1977 Calendar
Life before children left me a LOT of time to illustrate every day's events.
8. "Boston Proper Sits with Boston Un-Common"
One of my senior (1975) show B&W illustrations. One displeased professor said I was a "New American Surrealist." That didn't displease me.
6. Band Posters (and stuff)
Where some of my favorite posters of the bands I've never played in are displayed.
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