- - Wednesday morning

Jun 13, 2007 07:25

an interesting dilemma....
Or why some things happen for a reason.

I just got word that the show that opens at the end of this month doesn't end till August 12th. On one hand, that's great to have possibly 8 to 10 pieces on display over the summer. On the other hand, it presents a bit of a dilemma. On August 11th, my 35th high school reunion takes place. And as an interesting "where-are-we-now" sorta thing, my high school art buddy, Fletcher Smith and I were going to have a two man show in the gallery where this reception takes place.

The dilemma? Well, a good portion of my art will still be hanging in this other show.


as quickly as this dilemma reared it's head, I thought, "Well, great! All the more incentive to get cracking on the "Brick Window Series". I had hoped to complete "Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5" piece for this show in June but I can see that ain't happening... and now I can see all my procrastination served a better purpose.

This is very cool....

More on the "Brick Window Series" and these upcoming shows later....

shows: art, brick window series

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