"Rock on, George!
One time for Ringo!"
Last night at Band Camp, those of us in attendance had a "new song" night. My "new song" was Carl Perkins' Honey Don't which seems so appropriate given my latest decision to capture my story in the context of my "beatlemania". I had only heard the original version of this song within the last 20 years. It had always been the version that was Track One of Side Two of Beatles '65 that I knew. Where lead vocalist Ringo gives a "shout out" to lead guitarist George not only once but twice! (The second time, he let's everyone know the "me" is he, Ringo.)
Now that we're going to perform this song, I can use this ad-lib. That is, if I wasn't already using it as I sometimes do in our version of The Beatles' One after 909. (Yes, I call our lead guitarist, Breeze, "George" and I credit myself as "Ringo").
Speaking of "Shout Outs", I read something recently by bassist Bootsy Collins. It was a bit on James Brown after his recent passing. Bootsy said James was one who often called out players names for solos or cues of some kind. And to this bassist, being immortalized on a recording was "better than being paid!"
ROCK ON, fill in YOUR name here !!!