Today, in celebration of 25 years at the day job...
I'll stand in front of my peers while the Big Bossman
tells everyone wonderful stories of whatta groovy job
I've done here and then they all get to eat cake!
I wanted beer but HR wouldn't have it
The prez chuckled when I told him of my request
He told me to ask the facilities manager
so I did.... he said they'd OK it at my 50th!
So, it looks like I gotta do another 25 to life...
SEE! Mark Martin's GREAT 25 Anniversay card here:
My AWESOME card created by
Mark Martin!
Here's me and the prez
he's either makin' a joke about
when I cut my hair as some YK2 precaution or
that he could tell when one of my bands borrowed
the company PA cuz the mikes smelled like beers or
he never knew what was going on behind
my "wry smile"....
the photo op: me a plaque and the prez
me and the facilities manager Bill
he's the man for everything
(except beer at my 25th)
me and the prez's wife
as head of creative services, she and I go way back!
(how come her expression looks like she's
still not quite figured me out?)