ninth romance | video & action for housemates

Sep 11, 2011 10:26

[ a rather clumsy redhead seems to have knocked her journal open on a kitchen counter; therefore, welcome to an impromptu showing of 'cooking with anne shirley'. now that she has shaken a rather mild case of the sniffles, she is eager to get back to domestic bliss. marilla would've chastised her most severely for how lax she has been ( Read more... )

one time when the minister came over, anne of luceti, gee i'm glad, marilla always said..., !action

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pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 16:04:11 UTC
That sure looks real good! Man, I ain't had pie in ages! [It is one of those things his mom had made on a few occasions - and something he unfortunately could never make himself with his lack of cooking/baking talent.]


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 18:41:29 UTC
A-ah. I think you mean that you haven't had pie in ages.


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 18:54:07 UTC
That's what I said, right? [At least, that's what he thinks he said.]


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 18:55:12 UTC
Close, but not quite. I must inform you that ain't is not actually a word.


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 18:58:51 UTC
It ain't? [Welp. This conversation seems vaguely familiar from the days when he used to attend school.] But a lot a' people use it!


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 19:01:06 UTC
Many people believe a number of things that are not strictly correct. Though I suppose the word does add a sort of colloquial flavour to a conversation.


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 19:05:33 UTC
['What's colloquial mean?', he muses. He begins to feel a little... well, dumb.] ...You a teacher, miss?


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 19:06:33 UTC
I did teach a class back home before I was brought here, yes.

[ and only seventeen at that! ]


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 19:12:38 UTC
[This explains a lot. Feeling a little intimidated - for teachers are always a little difficult to speak with - he isn't sure what to say. He will just scratch his head thoughtfully, deciding he will forget all about that offer of pie.] ...


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 19:14:28 UTC
[ anne's cool with just tl;dring her way through silence. ]

But, here I am most decidedly not a teacher. I actually attend the classes at the local schoolhouse. They've started back up again and I am most keen on settling back into my studies.


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 19:20:15 UTC
Gee... y'must be real smart! [Boy, is he glad he hasn't been forced into school here yet.] I haven't gone t'school in a while... [Whoops, he realizes after that admission that's probably not a good thing to tell a teacher, as it reflects poorly on him. All well.]


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 19:21:52 UTC
Why, thank you.

[ and it's not such a big deal. people discontinued their studies for all kinds of reasons in anne's time. so, with a smile: ] Did you have other responsibilities...?


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 19:25:02 UTC
[Phew. He was inexplicably expecting a disapproving word or two.]

Yeah... guess you could say that.


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 19:26:25 UTC
I know a boy who had to leave school to help out on his father's farm. Times are tough, in Avonlea -- what with the Abby Bank closing and all.


pugilistinpink September 11 2011, 19:29:31 UTC
'm sorry t'hear y'got it hard, miss; that ain't ever nice. I hope it gets better soon an' all.


slatebreaker September 11 2011, 19:30:07 UTC
Please, call me Anne. Anne with an e.


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