Mar 28, 2007 02:18
It looks like I haven't updated my journal in quite a while. (Yeah, I consider four or five months quite a 'while').
Where to start off? It seems that summer has just started and all I have been doing is slacking off. These first few weeks have been quite boring, but then it is better than being under pressure and coming home with work to worry about everyday. Then again, it is better off when I am in school with all my friends and classmates.
So the second year of high school has just ended. Time sure does fly by fast, eh? Not really, I thought second year was quite long. In fact, I think I am quite happy that second year has ended. Not only because we had almost no social activities whatsoever, but because I feel that second year is the most inactive year of the high school. I think I did rather well in the quarterly tests. So long big "2", I sure will miss you. Even though I thought you were the most useless year, it actually seemed to be the most eventful so far.
Our final grades were poster in the HS Patio about a week ago. I found out that some of my grades went up, but some of my grades also went down. The good thing is that I believe that I got 1st honor for the second time, unless my conduct or effort grade screws me over -_-. My Computer grade turned out better than I expected, seeing as I don't really know much about the Macintosh. Other than that, I'm surprised with my English and Math grades. They seem relatively high compared to what I showed in the duration of the quarter. What surprised me the most was my Filipno grade though. Surely, I didn't expect to get a 92 after seeing the likes of the quarterly test. Thankfully, I got through the year with more than I expected to have ever accomplished during this year. Thank God.
My plans for summer? I believe I'm going to Hong Kong to visit my relatives over the Holy Week. My mom's also enrolling me in Japanese classes at that Nihongo Center Foundation over there thanks to some friend over there. I swear, my mom is just crazy because she also asked me if I wanted to learn French and German over the summer. Seeing that as an impossible task, I respectfully declined. Looks like I'm also getting back to tennis and maybe some other activities. Which reminds me, I wonder if we have Dragon Dance Practice over the summer *wonders*.
Once again, I'd like to apologize to my LJ for the long period of no updating. *hugs LJ* I'll try to update more often, so don't you worry. That's all for now. Darn, it's already 2:28 AM? *sigh* Why is it that I feel I can't sleep early anymore these days? *mutters* *goes off to brush his teeth and get ready for bed*
Slash: *sigh* And you've forgotten about me too, haven't you? >_> *throws chicken drumstick*