Jun 13, 2006 14:21
The first day of classes didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would, though the activities in the morning were quite boring. Our assembly consumed quite a lot of our time and the introduction of the Faculty and Staff took away all of our periods in the morning. Good thing too! We didn't have Math =D.
Anyway, I met some of our teachers and they don't seem as bad as the teachers the other sections are getting. Our Chinese teacher seems really nice too! The only thing I'm afraid of is meeting our Math teacher @_@! From what I've been hearing, we're going to get a teacher that has an extremely bad English accent. She's subbed for us before during one of our High 1 Math Periods, and all I can say is that she sucks shit. Oh, and before I forget, our Class Adviser is kind of okay and not strict. I think I made a good first impression to her a while ago, since I was the only one who stayed behind to clean the class because she forgot to assign cleaners =D.
The homework they gave us today wasn't that much. It was full of personal information, reply slips and index card filling stuff. *sigh* Well, I'm done with all of the things that are due tomorrow, so I guess I'll go to sleep now. Good Night to all!
(As if anyone reads this LJ >_>)