Aug 14, 2008 06:09
So, yesterday at UWM, I'm sitting in the food court, eating a very delicious taco, waiting for Natachia to come on break, when, I overhear a conversation next to me. This girl's FREAKING OUT about some new girl at Taco Bell, saying she's gonna beat her up, punch her in the face, slap the shit out of her, etc, etc. I listen further, and, I get this sinking feeling they're talking about Chia. Also, apparently, the reason she wants to do this is Natachia accidentally made an extra pan of beans. WTF?
So, I tell Chia, and, she gets really upset. Well, who wouldn't? Random coworkers whom she's trying to be friends with are plotting to beat her up over a fucking pan of beans. A FUCKING PAN OF BEANS!
I end up having to accompany her to the management at UWM to talk with them. I waited outside for a while, when they called the girls in. Apparently, they turned the entire story around, saying Natachia must've misheard stuff, I was nowhere near them, they didn't say that, and it's all a miscommunication problem on Chia's end. They leave with naught but a slap on the wrist, and Chia's in tears. She asks me to come in and explain to the management what happened, even though the management doesn't want me in there. So, I chew them out, let them know what happened, and, now, (hopefully), something's being done about it. I really didn't like seeing Natachia in tears, but I'm glad I was there to give her a hug and some ice cream when it was all over.