Title: Self-Love for Dummies (or when Pete became Batman 2.0)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Pete/Pete (oh, just you wait and see)
Summary: Pete has always known that he is a superhero, he just didn't have the superpowers to prove it before. All that changes when suddenly he find he's time traveled into his own past where he finds himself in bed with the jailbait version of himself. For anyone else that might be awkward, but for Pete it's awesome. It's also a good opportunity to show himself a few tricks of the sexual trade. Suddenly self-love means something completely different and a lot less innocent.
Disclaimer: This is fictional. Also, don't read if you have problems with someone having sex with themselves.
Author Note: Pure crack. Pure effin' crack. What did you expect? Also, written based off a prompt from
Pete was a mother fucking superhero.