
Jan 28, 2007 20:19

Hi everyone - I just wanted to "introduce" mizbhaven13 who has bravely volunteered to co-moderate the group with me. We have some new ideas and hope you all get as excited as we are.

Also, I see we have successfully attracted some new members. It looks like pimping the group has been rewarding, so thank you to everyone who helped spread the word.

New members - please feel free to post recipes or questions or similar at any time. Naked pictures are behind locked posts, so you'll have to be a member (not just a watcher) to get access to them. Theme topics are suggestions only - you're free to post anything group-related at any time.

Please use the appropriate tags, lj-cuts if the post is longer than a paragraph or two, and lock any pictures/etc that are NC-17.

Otherwise welcome to the kitchen! Let's see if we can cook up some porn!

mod post

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