Feb 19, 2008 16:46
so i watched 'earthlings' for the first time today, which made me lose all faith in the human race, then, not half an hour ago, my vet calls me, as i am the only person he knows who has a ferret and will rescue animals, someone was going to kill a ferret baby because they didnt want it, it was too much hard work.
I have agreed to take him or her in, because really, i think my lone ferret could use a same-species friend.
This greatly upsets me though, the fact that people devalue animals, and think it is appropriate to snuff out their lives just because they got the animals and then realise they are not prepared to take care of them.
It makes me ashamed to be part of the human race, and makes me want to apologise to all nonhumans for the acts of cruelty they endure at the hands of the other members of my species.
Ive lost faith in humanity, and i dont think anyone or anything will make me find it again.