Aglarien wrote
The Magpie for Alexcat
Alexcat wrote
Be Careful What You Wish For for Nuinzilien
Alikuu wrote
Fëanorian Hospitality for Kalendeer
Amyfortuna wrote
Mourning Into Joy for The_Wavesinger
AndiiErestor wrote
Fools in Love for Amyfortuna
Burning_Nightingale wrote O
h, Revenge for Cirilla9
Cirilla9 wrote
Tales of the thousand and one nights for DragonofMordor
DragonofMordor wrote
One Moment in Forever for Tiltedshadow
Elladansgirl wrote
Convincing Abilities for Mawgy
Erlkoenig wrote
Nothing Gold Can Stay for Burning_Nightingale
Erlkonig wrote T
o Love None Better Than You for Aglarien
Erlkonig wrote Be
Still, and Let the Dark Come for Kasura
Hennethgalad wrote
To The Sea. for Erlkoenig
Ignoblebard wrote
Forging a Bond for Mangacrack
Kalendeer wrote
Do Not Ask for Permission for Hennethgalad
Kasura wrote
The Chasing for Ingoldos
Lynndyre wrote
Visit for Samtyr
Mangacrack wrote In
a World Beyond Control for Gabriel
Marchwriter wrote
Borderlands for Solanaceae
Mawgy wrote
Remember Me for Ulan
Narya wrote
Comfort and Joy for Marchwriter
Nuinzilien wrote
The Door to Maybe for Lynndyre
phyncke wrote
What's In a Name? for Ignoblebard
RaisingCaiin wrote Hi
stories, Full of Stars for Narya
RaisingCaiin wrote
In That Deepening Evening for AndiiErestor
Raiyana wrote
The Soldier and the Spy for Phyncke
Samtyr wrote
Splitting Heirs for Tabru
Solanaceae wrote
Blossom of Hours Unleashed for Raiyana
Tabru wrote
In the Third Year for Elladansgirl
Talullah wrote
Bay of Terns for Alikuu
Tiltedshadow wrote
And All the Devils Are Here for RaisingCaiin
The_Wavesinger wrote
(Take Heed of the) Stormy Weather for Talullah
Mawgy also wrote
Cutbacks as a special gift to the Sultry in September/My Slashy Valentine mods! Thank you, Samtyr!! :)
Many, MANY thanks to Erlkonig, who wrote THREE stories this round, and to RaisingCaiin, who also stepped in to pinch-hit. Special thanks also to IgnobleBard, who set a record for number of stories beta’d this round. Most sincere gratitude to all three of you; we quite literally would not have been able to pull off this exchange without you!
Warm welcomes to TiltedShadow, Kasura, DragonOfMordor and Andiierestor, who have all successfully completed their first Slashy Santa exchange!
PLEASE be sure to thank your writer after reading your stories!! It’s the right thing to do and it’s a requirement of the Slashy Santa exchanges.
We hope to see you all again in December, when sign-ups for My Slashy Valentine will begin!!