A note from AO3 tech support

Jul 23, 2014 19:15

Hi all:

I know some of you have had issues editing (or even seeing) your stories once they've gone into the moderation queue.  Apparently this is a known issue:

Hi there,
Thank you for contacting us. I’m afraid that we have a known bug in which works in a moderated anonymous and/or unrevealed collection don’t show up to their creators on the Collected Works page until they are approved by the moderator.

I'm afraid that the best work-arounds I can suggest would be to either give the users the direct URLs to their works or to make the collection unmoderated and just go through and reject any unwanted works before the reveal.

Only the creator of a work can edit the gift recipient information on it.  As a Gift Exchange moderator you would be able to make changes to the _assigned_ recipient if you were using the Archive's matching system, but even in that case you wouldn't be able to override the information on a work once it was posted.

We're sorry for the difficulties!  If you have any questions or run into more problems, please let us know.
Lady Oscar
AO3 Support

Soooooo..TL;DR version: If you need to edit your story, contact me ASAP (and CC the message to kenazfiction@gmail.com) and I will send you the direct link to your story which, hopefully, you will then be able to edit.  If you still can't edit it, let me know and I will "reject" your submission, and you can upload the edited version.

I will also need all of you who have *NOT* requested your recipient's name in advance to go back in and add your giftee's name once the stories have been revealed... WHICH IS ON AUGUST 3RD! THAT'S SOON, PEOPLE! :D

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you very much for bearing with us as we continue to learn the ins and outs of this platform!


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