The Chronicles of Slashy, Part 1

Mar 21, 2011 23:51

 Why is it that I only write in this thing at sometime near midnight?  Oh, well.

Simply wanted to say that I cannot get 'Lovely Rita' out of my head.  And honestly, I don't want to.  It's an awesome song ;)  I had my mother listen to it, and she frowned and said it was weird.  I was so disappointed, especially since she usually adores the Beatles, but nevertheless, I love it.

Oh, right... there was something else, wasn't there?  Yes, I believe there was... bought an electric guitar today!  Love the thing.  I've had it for just a few hours, and I can already play chords... it's very easy to handle, as well.  It's incredible how much help the skills I'd already acquired from playing orchestral string instruments, especially violin and viola, were, and how similar the instruments are.  Though, I suppose that buying a book on beginner's guitar helped a bit, too... haha.  Tried straight away to start playing some Green Day.  Sounded like a death march, though that may have been because it wasn't plugged into an amp at the time, too :P  Though, in all, I feel pretty accomplished, seeing as I haven't actually got the slightest clue what I'm doing.  The sound I'm making seems nice, and as far as I can tell, I'm holding everything right, and it's tuned.  It's a rush every time I make a sound with the thing; I think I know how I'll be spending the majority of my free time for the next few days :3

Sadly, that'll cut into my writing time.  My original fiction's all planned out... and I need to write it, desperately.  I plan to be a published author by the time I'm out of high school - how could a college not notice that?  Aiming for a scholarship here.  Therefore, I've got to get on that writing; I'm running out of time here!  And... there's another project that'll take away from...

I'm sort of... working on a J/P fic that I may publish here.  Maybe.  Well, on the J/P community, at any rate.  The thing is, as much as I love reading it... I've written very little band slash.  Some frerard here and there (Gerard and Frank of the lovely MCR), and I think that's it.  And I've done nothing with it - it sits on my computer, unseen by the eyes of anyone but myself.  So considering publishing something which is still a new fandom for me is both exciting and terrifying.  I feel sort of bad doing it, too, like it's a guilty pleasure, a sensation I never had with fanfiction before getting into bandslash.  I remember how much it squicked me out when I read my first bit of frerard.  Stupid babbling ensued.  "But, like... slash is good and all, but they're REAL PEOPLE aslkgsn;sdklfghjko;!!!"

Anywho, enough of me ranting about things that don't matter to anyone but myself (lol).

Slashy, signing off (;

guitar, one, bandslash, chronicles of slashy

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