Nov 02, 2009 08:34
Oh dear! It was such a Merlin weekend that I completely failed to do a Keats post on his birthday, 31 October. He was a decent person and had a gift for friendship, though, so I am counting on the notion that he'd forgive me. And I did think about him on The Day, and talk about him, look at one of his portraits...
And I have Jane Campion's film Bright Star to look forward to. It finally opens here on Friday. Hurrah!
So last you all heard, I had sent my novel out to agents. It's been either rejections or silence since then - though one of the rejections was handwritten, so kudos to that woman! I have yet to stir my confidence up enough to send it out for round two. And it does occur to me that if I don't have the self-belief necessary to keep circulating it, then am I really just asking for trouble, even wanting to be a published author... Mmm... {ponders}
An alternative is that I convert it to a screenplay for a one-off drama, and send it to the BBC writersroom. This is the central place for the massive BBC organisation that handles input from wannabe writers. And if they think a script is worth anything at all, apparently they give good feedback. Well, I can just see a BBC production of my Keats novel - especially with Colin Morgan (who could play anyone he wanted to as far as I'm concerned) in the role of Byron (six foot tall and profile of an angel). OK, seriously though, and leaving Colin aside for now - I can just see it. And I could add a P.S. - 'Please let me write for Merlin, too. Please, I'm begging you, I'll do anything.'
Or maybe I stick to fan fic! After all, it gives far more scope for sex scenes. :-D
Much to ponder at the moment. In the meantime - Happy belated birthday, Junkets! We love you still.
john keats,
me me me