Bloodletting (The Final Cut)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: This is a rough sequel to my friend
Mabus’s story
Blood Line. In Blood Line Buffy becomes a vampire before she’s chosen. She rules Sunnydale with an iron fist for seven years prior to the story opening. The crux of the piece is that Willow is coerced into performing the hat trick she does in canon at the series end, but instead of being the big hero moment, the spell is corrupted to turn the potentials into slayer-vampires.
Date: 2009/2011.
Rating: Adult Content: Sexual Situations and/ or Explicit Violence.
Warnings: Language, major character deaths, graphic violence, explicit sexual situations, bondage, torture, humiliation, snark, mayhem, assorted hijinx, blah, blah, blah… It’s a mirror universe. Buffy and Willow are newly ensouled vampires who are trying to sort out how not to behave like monsters.
Word Count: Unfinished.
Comma Guy: Howard Russell.
Pairing: Buffy/Willow.
Disclaimer: Another day, another…they don’t pay me anything at all. I just do this to amuse myself and you. That’s what allows me and mine to slip under the radar while playing with characters created by those more fortunate than us.
DreamWidth &
Feedback: Please.