Man from UNCLE, Giverny Gardens (Elsewhere13)

Sep 09, 2013 18:18

Title Giverny gardens (Elsewhere 13)
Author Svetlanacat4
Fandom: Man from UNCLE
Characters: Illya/Napoleon
Word count: 100

The dark and stinking well had disappeared, giving way to... Napoleon Solo bit his lips, fighting dizziness. This place was strangely familiar - at least quite normal. A green wooden footbridge spanning a calm and still pond, sunlight playing with mist through the leaves of the willows...
“You're all right, now, don't worry.” Illya leaned on the guardrail, his hair flying in the breeze. “Our host forgot about water lilies...” He chuckled. “Do you intend to stay in the boat?”

Napoleon stood up, struggling to keep his balance as the boat swayed under him. His friend smirked, holding out his hand.

man from uncle:napoleon/illya

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