The Hardest Blow Comes From Home

Jun 12, 2008 03:05

Title:  The Hardest Blow Comes From Home
Fandom:  Supernatural
Author:  my_sam_dean
Characters:  Sam/Dean, Sam/OFC
Rating:  R
Wordcount::  700
Prompt - Eagle's Title - Lying Eyes
Warnings:  Slash/Incest
Disclaimer:  i own nothing Supernatural.
Summary:  One look at Sam and Dean knows something is wrong.

Dean laid in bed, unable to sleep without Sam. How late could that damn library be open anyway? He would have gone with if his knee wasn't giving him trouble.

He tried to sneak in quietly but Dean heard him.

"Where've you been?"

"Library. Research, remember?" Sam laid his bag down on a chair. "Do you need some ice for your knee?"

Dean shook his head and looked closely at Sam as he tried to make himself busy.

"Did you find much?" Dean asked.

"Some of the background. It's a good start at least." Sam avoided looking at him.

"Sam, come over here."

"Why?" he still had his back to Dean.

"I just wanna see ya."

Sam sat on the bed across from Dean. He'd glance up, see Dean's stare and look down again.

"What happened?"


"Are you drunk?"

"No," Sam laughed at that one.

"Then look me in the eye," Dean's voice was steady.

Sam did and held his breath, having a difficult time keeping eye contact.

"What did you do?" Dean's voice dropped lower. "Sam, what did you do?"

Sam faltered under his brothers intense gaze. He chewed on his bottom lip. Tears filled his eyes.

Dean sat there, silent, waiting for an answer.

"I was in the library. It was like I was back in college. I don't know if it was just the atmosphere or what. Anyway, I didn't plan it. It just happened."

"What happened?" Dean's face showed no expression.

"There was this helpful librarian,. We were back in the stacks of books looking for the one I needed. She brushed against me, or I brushed against her." Sam's throat constricted and he had to stop there.

"And?" Dean was ready to pounce off the bed.

"I kissed her," Sam said quickly, just wanting the words out. Yet, once they were out, he wanted to take them back.

Dean's facade began to crumble. "You cheated on me by kissing a girl."

Sam nodded, wiping tears away on his sleeve. "Can you forgive me?"

"Have you done this before?"

"No. Never."

"Are you going to do it again?"

"No! I don't want anyone else, Dean. I just want you."

Dean just breathed for a minute. Sam sat on pins and needles, waiting for some kind of answer.

"You'd better get in the shower before coming to bed. I don't want to smell her on you. We'll just get up in the morning and this will already be in the past."

"Do you forgive me?"

Dean nodded solemnly. He hadn't really seen that he had any other choice.


"Do you want me to sleep in the other bed?" Sam's voice was shaky and unsure.

"Is that where you want to sleep?"

"No. I want to sleep with you."

"That's fine. We usually sleep together." Dean has his back to Sam. He wasn't sure what to do. He'd never been cheated on. The fact that it was Sammy made it all the more painful. The ache in his chest made it hard to breathe.

Sam lightly laid an arm around Dean. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah," Dean's tears could be heard in his voice.

Sam snuggled in closer, not knowing if his presence was making it better or worse for Dean.

"It's just me and you, Dean. I swear. I've never loved anyone like I love you. Just give me the chance to gain your trust back. That's all I ask."

Dean was quiet, but listening.

"I love you, Dean. Goodnight," Sam gave him a little kiss by his ear as he laid behind him.

Dean moved a hand and placed it on his abdomen on top of Sam's hand. It was all the reassurance he could give Sam at that point.

Sam just held Dean as he broke down. He felt so guilty knowing that he was the cause.

During the night, Dean rolled over to face Sam. Without fully waking up, Sam rolled on his back and Dean nestled his head on Sam's shoulder.

"I need you, Sammy," he whispered aloud even though Sam was asleep. "I need you because you are a big part of me. I need you so bad, it scares me."

supernatural: sam/dean

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