Title: ⟫ The Hunter, The Wolf, The Spark & the Cub
Fandom: ⟫ Teen Wolf
Characters/Pairing: ⟫ Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: ⟫ Mature
Masterpost: ⟫
herePrompt(s): ⟫
slashthedrabble #661 Injury
Graphic: ⟫
skargasm Part: ⟫ 2
Word Count: ⟫ 500
Warnings:⟫ N/A
Summary: ⟫ Taking care of Beacon Hills, Peter, Chris and Stiles are tracking a group of hunters taking out neighbourhood packs. They are too late to save the latest pack but find something that the three of them are ill prepared for.
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