Half this stuff is taken from "PoA in 15 Minutes":
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Harry Potter ^.^
FearlessGaia140: Harry Potter is awsome
FearlessGaia140: Have you seen the third movie?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yep
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Twice
VvMorbidDreamsvV: And it annoys the hell outta me...
FearlessGaia140: Yeah
FearlessGaia140: They left out too much stuff, like the secret keeper thing was NEVER MENTIONED, and they added stuff, like Hermione punching Draco... And is it just me that thinks the Slash Fanfiction writers probably salivated over that one scene with Lupin and Black?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: -drool- Yeah, They made it seem at first like they were lovers or something
FearlessGaia140: Heh heh, and then the "This is not your heart" stuff... I'm just like "o_o... so that's why they get slashed so much!"
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah >.> Although It also made it seem if you really thought about it that Sevvie was involved and had been in a break up with Sirrie
FearlessGaia140: Yeah... which is scary
FearlessGaia140: It was nice to see Alan Rickman in a dress... I've been imagining that one since the first movie.
FearlessGaia140: And another thing I'm pissed about... you never get the story of WHY Snape hates the Mauraders so much. They never say it and it makes the movie weaker.
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah, They don't say anything about the Mauraders
VvMorbidDreamsvV: You don't even know who is who
FearlessGaia140: I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who realized that.
FearlessGaia140: I pointed it out to my friend and she's like "Who cares, the movie was still good"
VvMorbidDreamsvV: x.x
FearlessGaia140: And I'm like "But the first ones were SO close to the books and now they're breaking so far away... this isn't right!"
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Ooh, and the Quidditch Cup
VvMorbidDreamsvV: That was an annoying part that they didn't have that
FearlessGaia140: Oh yeah! They never mention that! Why? Because Harry doesn't get the Firebolt until the END!
FearlessGaia140: So there's none of that whole potential danger of it's origin.
FearlessGaia140: AND they never show the one-eyed witch statue, which was shown in the first movie as an OBVIOUS foreshadow for the third. I'm pissed at small details, I know.
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah, but the small details make the movie what it is. They just fucked themselves over with the new director
FearlessGaia140: Yeah
FearlessGaia140: At least Chris Columbus said he'd do the fourth one
FearlessGaia140: I just hope they don't decide that Alfonso Curion did such a good job that he should direct the rest, because then it'll suck really bad
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah, Although the setting was cooler
VvMorbidDreamsvV: OOH! And the fact that Crookshanks didn't have at all a big part in the movie
VvMorbidDreamsvV: That's just a bit fucked up. That cat has some importance that will be reveiled in the next few books and they barely showed it...
FearlessGaia140: Yeah!
FearlessGaia140: And doesn't Ron get his owl in the third one? Wait, no, he gets it in the fourth one, nevermind
VvMorbidDreamsvV: No, he gets it in the end with the letter from Sirrie saying something about something
VvMorbidDreamsvV: During the train ride
FearlessGaia140: Oh yeah! The Hogsmead permission form!
FearlessGaia140: Hogsmeade*
FearlessGaia140: Oh! And the shipsupport is different. In the second movie, there's Ron/Hermione forshadowing, as well it should be, and then in PoA there's all this Harry/Hermione shipishness.
FearlessGaia140: Ohhh.. found a site with someone listing problems with the movie ^_^ Testing, Testing...: HP Fandom - PoA movie
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Woohoo!
FearlessGaia140: Whoo hoo for what?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: For more problems.. Everyone should sign a petition to make sure that the fourth movie follows the book better
FearlessGaia140: Yeah
FearlessGaia140: But if they had to condense the third one so much, how are they going to make a fourth one?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Three hours long >.> they only made the thrid one two and a half
VvMorbidDreamsvV: If it had ten more minutes it would have been so much better
FearlessGaia140: And if they'd followed the timeline of the book more
FearlessGaia140: It was a little out of order
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah
VvMorbidDreamsvV: It would be nice to see it in full actually glory of the books
FearlessGaia140: PoA is my favorite and they fucked up the movie
FearlessGaia140: I'm pissed
FearlessGaia140: I thought I was upset when Sirius died in the fifth book... but the butchering of Prisoner of Azkaban is worse.
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah
VvMorbidDreamsvV: >.< That was the worst having to read that Sirius died in the fifth...
FearlessGaia140: I cried!
FearlessGaia140: And a friend and I were talking about having a funeral for him... okay, we are freaks
VvMorbidDreamsvV: I cried for half a day. He was the coolest and bestest charrie possbile. Him and Lupin ^.^
FearlessGaia140: Hence why they're slashed so often
FearlessGaia140: It's the coolness factor
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Although a good pairing is Herm and Lucious >.>
FearlessGaia140: O_O
FearlessGaia140: ?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: They're cute and stuff
FearlessGaia140: You frighten me sometimes
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah, I frighten myself with the different fics I read >.>
FearlessGaia140: ::Is trying to track down "PoA in 15 Minutes"::
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Ah! I read that one time
VvMorbidDreamsvV: One of my friends friends did that I think
FearlessGaia140: I can't get into the community
VvMorbidDreamsvV: That's not good
FearlessGaia140: Ah! In, found entry!
FearlessGaia140: Aspire to the Stars: PoA in 15 minutes this guy wrote something better.
FearlessGaia140: "SCARY SHRIVELED HAND: *pulls open door*
DEMENTOR: *dements*"
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Dements ^.^ Good word
FearlessGaia140: Yeah it is
FearlessGaia140: And that dude's right, the dementor did look oddly like a Nazgul
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yeah
FearlessGaia140: "Some Dark Street
Harry storms off into the night dragging his trunk, apparently having left his owl to the Dursleys’ tender mercies.
FearlessGaia140: My own comments on the Knight bus: Why the hell was it driven by the shrunken head of Bob Marley?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: heh heh, Yeah, that's a good question
FearlessGaia140: Did Bob Marley piss off that guy from Beetlejuice, yanno, the guy from the end?
VvMorbidDreamsvV: I haven't seen that in forever
FearlessGaia140: "HARRY: Y'all. Are such. Freaks.
VvMorbidDreamsvV: So strange x.x
FearlessGaia140: That line was used in Clerks: the Cartoon!
FearlessGaia140: The pinheads from episode six
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Wow, you know your stuff
FearlessGaia140: Hell yeah!
FearlessGaia140: It was originally from the movie "Freaks"
FearlessGaia140: ^_^
VvMorbidDreamsvV: heh
FearlessGaia140: "HARRY: Guys, I have something really freaky to tell you! Shall we sit in the train car with the drunk sleeping under a coat?
HERMIONE: Sure, might as well."
VvMorbidDreamsvV: :D Yeah, that's great
FearlessGaia140: "GROOVY NEW DUMBLEDORE: Many thanks to the Richard Harris Memorial Toad Choir for that lovely performance. Greetings, salutations, and what up: I will be your new Dumbledore this year, which I’m sure will be fabulous despite the presence of a few hundred undernourished ringwraiths on the premises."
VvMorbidDreamsvV: -dies laughing- Oh yeah, definatly going to have to read that a few more times
FearlessGaia140: "The boys eat candy, roar like wild animals, and have a pillow fight.
DEMENTOR FLOATING AROUND HOGWARTS: I think I saw a porno like this once."
FearlessGaia140: "HAGRID: Since Harry has the most experience dealing with weird shit, he can go first. Bow to the nice horsybird, Harry.
BUCKBEAK: *snuffle squawk gnash snort RAAAA!*
HERMIONE: *grabs Ron’s hand*
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Ron/Herm aren't that great >.>
FearlessGaia140: Blasphamy!
FearlessGaia140: "NEVILLE: *changes Snape into Drag Queen Grandma Snape*
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Drag Queen Grandma Snape... That is just priceless
FearlessGaia140: rotflmao
FearlessGaia140: Yeah it is
VvMorbidDreamsvV: And with out the Grandma part, kinda hot
FearlessGaia140: Lmao... sadly yes
FearlessGaia140: "DRACO (writing):
Mr. Harry Potter
Draco Potter
Draco Malfoy-Potter
Mr. and Mr. Malfoy-Potter
VvMorbidDreamsvV: Yay!
FearlessGaia140: lmao
You can find "PoA in 15 Minutes" in it's entirety at