Ogi apologizes by insulting fandom some MOAR (rev.1)

Sep 03, 2009 12:54

Ogi, thanks for more evidence of your social immaturity, your sexist bias, your utterly self-absorbed scientific twerpitude:

Apology [Sep. 3rd, 2009|06:24 am ( Read more... )

apologies, discourse, surveyfail, meta, how_not_to_do_it, ogi

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slashpine September 4 2009, 00:14:22 UTC
Haha, ok, too many windows open. Here's my reply to you from hours ago, in an open window, left abandoned while I was off doing who knows what.

Yes, Sai is a bit of a mystery man. I know there was that stupidly condescending quote on his website research page. I see a lot of that kind of contemptuousness from much younger guys (like teenagers DOH) and some of the men I am unlucky enough to work with. A kind of mainstream blogger attitude, insult everybody, call it funny - it's the James Potter/ Mystery Science Theater/ frat jock thing. Too bad Sai hasn't either (a) grown out of it, or (b) if there are subtler nuances of meaning apparent to him, or that he hopes might be to a reader, recognized that cross-cultural humour (he's from India) almost *never* works.

But yes, one must feel a bit sorry for him (or perhaps only sorry that Ogi isn't there to endure the lion's share), because Sai is still at BU I suppose, doing his post-doc.

Which means people are going to be like OH HAY, YOU HEAR ANY GOOD PORN FANTASIES FROM OGI LATELY?


It's irrelevant to all that, but Sai seems to be quite the cutie. I was on the wayback site looking to see if their BU pages were in there yet, now that they've deleted them (they weren't; it apparently takes 3-6 months to get listed). But there are older versions of Sai's page from about 2003 on. There's very little text - he was a new grad student, what's to say? - so he had a big splashy photo of himself, in his sunglasses with a cocky grin.

Definitely slashable. But still, should have known better!


marcmagus September 4 2009, 02:39:10 UTC
You've probably caught it by now, but, given the context, I'm pretty sure romaine24 was suggesting that one should emphatically not feel sorry for Sai.

I believe this is the relevant post: http://romaine24.livejournal.com/134010.html

In brief, Sai has publicly aligned himself with heinously reactionary, "back to the good old days", anti-feminist, misogynistic, homophobic [it probably wouldn't be hard to keep going, but you get the point] thought, which makes it hard to imagine him an innocent in all this. [I hope I haven't misrepresented your opinion here, romaine24; please let me know if I did]


slashpine September 4 2009, 04:52:17 UTC
Yeah, his blog is kind of skeevy going in spots, eh. And the rest of it just makes him seem rather fatuously self-absorbed. I mean, OMG he goes on longer than I do LOL. Without sub-heds.

AND WITH NO COMMENTS. That's the part that makes me blink. I don't know many people in fandom who would post 28 pages a day for *a year or more* in a "public" forum and have not one person R&R? Oof. I would probably maybe change *something* after 40 days in the desert. Like maybe go get some friends, lol.

Did you see Sai's post on the Bollywood movies and how the men are SO MUCH MORE SEXY and interesting, which he goes on about *at length* and then winds up talking about how they're so "enthralling" your neural keys kind of all explode with the enthrallment-delight and then you're all relaxed and *lights cigarete*. It was very slash-fantasy, only he is like a cyborg having tentacle-sex, so his brain and computer keyboard are the main areas of whoopie.

I do wonder about these guys. Mid-30's coming out crises?


romaine24 September 4 2009, 04:58:13 UTC
You're right on the nose. :) Thanks.


romaine24 September 4 2009, 02:42:08 UTC
No my post doesn't refer to how he feels about his subjects. It's from a post ok his LJ. You don't have to read it but I think it sheds some light on him and why he wanted to keep fighting. Sorry I'm on my iPhone so I can't link you to my lj. :)


romaine24 September 4 2009, 05:00:26 UTC
I wanted to add that your analysis of the apology is awesome. Thank you for taking the time to dissect it so thoroughly. :)


slashpine September 4 2009, 08:24:34 UTC
OOH, now I'm totally in love with you. Most of my flist would say OMG Pine stop already at 2 paragraphs. I honestly didn't think there would be so much there when I started... and then, heavens, it just didn't stop giving.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for commenting!


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