elements has posted an intensely good essay on
"User Generated Content" & Ownership: The User as Citizen and invites all to link to it and comment.
"My relationship to Livejournal is not merely a one-to-one contract between myself as an individual and the company Six Apart. It's first and foremost a relationship between myself the member and Livejournal-as-collective-noun: the community. I don't see myself as a Livejournal user. I see myself as a Livejournal citizen.
Are there legal ways to protect that relationship as LJ does strange things like strikethrough07 and (perhaps not unrelated) moves toward an IPO? If not, can such protections for users be developed? Many fans desire safeguards for their community of speech - is this a fandom thing, or something society as a whole is currently seeking? Yet, whatever is done must also protect those fans (several in the comments to
elements's post) who are *not* here to be part of a community, who wouldn't go to a con if you paid them.
This is a good advance posting for the discussions on Days 3 and 5 of