(no subject)

Oct 20, 2014 17:36

Dear Yuletide Writer,

First off, thank you for writing for me! I'm sure whatever I get will be great. You are awesome.

Some things that I definitely don't want to see are incest and child rape, noncon in general if it's graphic and on screen or fetish-y, and general graphic grossness (I would prefer no descriptions of vomit or pus filled wounds; those things existing in a general way are okay.) I also really kind of hate most sibling/cousin rivalry tropes, which is relevant to two of my fandoms this year.

Some things that I really enjoy are canon divergence and AUs, elaboration on canon worldbuilding, historical geekiness, disability and LGBT inclusion in general and lesbians in particular, characters who genuinely like each other and have relationships (whether romantic or not), families-by-choice, snark, kink, hurt/comfort, detailed descriptions of food, characters who are adrenaline junkies and characters who make poor life choices and know it.

Fandom: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
Characters: Anita Blake, Edward | Ted Forrester

I am one of many people who loved the series' early trashy thriller qualities and has been less than thrilled by recent developments. I would be pleased if the ardeur did not exist/has not yet happened in story, or at least is handled in a way that doesn't involve melodrama or rape.

Edward and Anita are some of my favorite characters in the series; I really like their friendship. I would be fine with them being written as romantic, too, but my favorite thing about them is the way they work together and respect each other professionally. I would love a fic where they go have adventures as much as I would love them setting up as roommates. Exploring the details of how they first met might be interesting. So would seeing more of Anita being allowed into Edward's personal life, around Obsidian Butterfly.

Fandom: Dragonriders of Pern
Characters: Menolly, Mirrim

So, this was one of my childhood favorites and the first fandom I ever wrote fanfic for. I love the wish fullfillment of the dragons, and the worldbuilding of Weyr life is both interesting and frustrating.

Mirrim was just sort of dismissed as annoying in canon and her budding friendship with Menolly was brushed off. I would love to see them staying friends or reconnecting. I would also really love to see them in a relationship - neither Menolly or Mirrim's canon relationships did much for me. Platonic friendship fic, or established relationship, or them first getting together would all be fine, as would a fic that focused more on a different plot. I would also definitely love to see firelizards involved.

Fandom: Werewolf Marines
Characters: Echo, Charlie

Between the great characters and the worldbuilding, this is a new favorite series of mine. I really loved Charlie and Echo's relationship, and Charlie as a three dimensional disabled character made me really happy. (In particular, I'm also a cane user, but I love pretty much all disabled representation if it's done well.)

I'd love to see more of them together as sisters. A fic where DJ and Echo succeed in rescuing Charlie without her dying without medical support (or magically no longer being disabled) would be great; so would Charlie and Echo being sisters on base. I'd be happy with a fic that replicates the original series' cheesy adventure/romance novel feel, or one that's slower paced and focused on different things.

Fandom: InCryptid
Characters: Sarah, Verity

The InCryptid series' different species and their culture and biology are really interesting to me. I also love Sarah, as a character who's similar to me in a lot of ways (I'm also faceblind, terminally messy, and love math, although I don't share her love of ketchup on all food items.) I'd love to see Sarah's POV, maybe one what it's like to grow up as one of two members of your kind who have a moral code, with no contact with anyone like you except your adoptive mother. I'd also like to see her helping Verity or just hanging around with her family.

As you can tell, I'm much more focused on Sarah than Verity, although I love both characters.

Fandom: Monstrous Regiment
Characters: Polly, Maladicta

Here's another fandom where I'd really prefer to read femslash, although gen is fine. I'd like to see something about political restructuring and change after the war, or just Polly and Maladicta meeting up again. Maladicta's dramatic tendencies as a vampire are hilarious, especially in combination with Polly's pragmatism. How does Polly cope with feelings for another woman when she only just realized that was a possibility?

I don't want to see overwhelming homophobia or either or both characters being forced into conventional feminine gender roles in a lasting way (it's okay if it's part of the politics, as long as they overcome it). I'd rather not read things that remind me too much of real life for fun.

Thanks again!

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