Nov 26, 2008 16:34
A little backstory here: a week or so ago my 360's DVD player broke. Not a big deal since I've heard that the Microsoft service kicks ass when it comes to these things. I called 360 service in the Netherlands and they drew up an order to pick it up via UPS. Awesome, top notch work by the helpdesk team at MS.
So first of all, they can't get in the door because they don't have the door code, even though I gave it to them. Then, they can't find the appartment because my name isn't on the door (but I of course gave the appartment number!). So after something like 5 failed attempts to pick it up they finally find the place. You'd think that would be the end of the story and it would be smooth surfin' from there, but no. What greets me when I log into UPS and trace the package?
Status: Returnerad till avsändaren
Basically, that says "return to sender". Wait, what. They can't deliver to the Microsoft Repair Center Europe? What, no one answered the door?
Confusingly, if you go into details it looks like the return to sender thing was input and then the box was taken by the delivery guy anyway ("UTE FÖR LEVERANS" - out for delivery). So uh, what? Can't things just work for once?
I'm generally just really annoyed by this whole thing, it's the last thing I need to worry about right now, but I just can't help it. Fucking... thing... SUCKS.
EDIT: And now it seems a work-related thing I shipped off a month ago still hasn't arrived. I hate shipping things.