Title: Adorkable & Craggy
Author: Slashisepic
Rating: T
Fandoms: Glee/Crossover. [ALSO AU! SLIGHTLY.]
Pairings: Hotch/Reid, Kurt/Blaine
Characters [outside of pairings]: JJ, Rossi, Garcia, Sue Sylvester, Figgins, Will Schuester, Rachel Berry, Finn.
Disclaimer: These amazing TV shows do not belong to me. Never have and never will.
A/N: This little(ish) thing came about when my amazing coworker and I were discussing CM and I mentioned how I wanted Reid's mom back; she then told me that Reid's mom played Sue in Glee. And this thing was born. So I blame it on her. And I also want to dedicate this to her; it's been such an honour working with you, I just don't want the store to close. I'm going to miss working with you and everyone else, but you in particular (don't tell everyone else!). I just hope we stay in contact.
So without further ado...
“We’ve got a case in Lima, Ohio.” JJ dropped a file on Hotch’s desk. “Six teens from the same local high school, McKinley, taken after a school activity and held for a day each then dumped near the school. But we shouldn’t need the whole team. The police already have an idea; they just want us to make sure.” JJ crossed her arms. “I’d like to go; the media is already all over this and parents are starting to worry. The last thing we need is a panic.”
Hotch nodded. “We’ll take Reid.”
“Great, I’ll let him know.” JJ walked out Hotch’s office and down to the bullpen. “Reid!”
“Hmmm?” Reid swivelled in his chair.
“Grab your bag, we’re going on Lima.”
“Have you heard? The FBI’s coming to town!” Rachel held a newspaper up excitedly. “I hope they get his whole mess cleaned up; my parents are starting to think I wouldn’t be safe coming to Glee Club.” She shook her head dramatically. “As if! There is no way I would miss a single practice, Mr. Shue.”
Schuester smiled. “I know, Rachel. Now,” he clapped his hands “for this week, our theme is Hope.”
“So Reid, what’s so bad about Lima?” Hotch asked he settled across from Reid in the airplane.
“My mom works there.” Reid avoided Hotch’s gaze.
“I thought your mom lived in Los Vegas?”
“After I left for Quantico, she moved back to her home town of Lima. Claimed that way, ‘she’d get the stardom she deserved’. She teaches at that McKinley.”
Hotch reached out to cover Reid’s hand with his own. Reid felt his face flush slightly before managing to get it under control. “I’ll get JJ to interview her, if it’s bothering you that much.” Hotch involuntarily squeezed Reid’s hand gently.
Reid finally looked up to meet Hotch’s warm brown eyes. “Thanks.”
“So, any idea who’s coming, Figgins?” Sue dropped into a seat in front of Figgin’s desk.
“I just got the list, Sue. Supervisory Special Agents Hotch, Jareau and Reid.”
Sue leaned back in her seat, a smirk on her face. “Reid, huh...”
“JJ, you and Reid go to the school. Start talking to the teachers, find out everything you can about the students. I’ll set up at the station then meet you there.” They nodded, though Reid looked anxious. As they began to disembark, Hotch reached out to squeeze Reid’s shoulder. “You’ll be fine.” He murmured, ignoring the fluttering in his stomach.
Reid smiled nervously. “Thanks,” he murmured before he followed JJ the rest of the way down the plane.
Will couldn’t help the look of surprise when he was escorted in to meet Sue’s son, Spencer. There was no arrogance in the way he held himself, nothing at seemed to hint that he was Sue’s son. Reid stood and held out his hand for Will. “Uh, hello. I’m-”
“Spencer Reid. Sue’s been bragging about her FBI son since she found out that the FBI was coming.” Will shook Reid’s hand before they sat.
Reid flushed slightly. “Anyway, that’s not important. I wanted to ask you about the students. Their files says you taught them all Spanish this semester?”
“Yeah, I’m the only Spanish teacher here.” Will shrugged.
“Can you tell me about the students?”
“Tanya enjoyed Spanish, surprisingly. She was planning on taking it through university, getting a job with it. Matt, Lena and Natalie didn’t mind it, which is better than most students. Darryl and Henry were tolerating it to pass.” Will leaned back in his chair. “I didn’t really know them that well; the only kids I know are the ones in the Glee Club.”
“Is there anything you noticed that seemed out of the ordinary for them? Lately, anything that’s changed?” Reid leaned forward.
“Tanya, Matt, and Darryl seemed happier lately. Probably because they joined the Cheerios this past month.”
“Thank you, Mr. Schuster. If there’s anything else, we’ll let you know.” They stood.
“Going to visit your mother?” Will asked.
Reid shrugged and tried to avoid answering. “I’m here for a case, not to visit.”
“Well, good luck. I hope you catch him soon.” Will was escorted out, only to find Sue outside.
“Well, Will, how’s my adorkable?”
“You think Porcelain is the only one with the nickname?” Sue raised an eyebrow as she was escorted in.
“Well, how are you, my dear? Still as thin as ever, I see.”
“Mom! I didn’t expect to see you.” Reid resisted the urge to fix his hair, his shirt, his tie, his papers.
“Well, I wouldn’t just let a chance to see my baby boy just pass by, did you?” Sue leaned forward. “I hope not.”
“Well, ummm...it says that Lena, Natalie and Henry were part of the Cheerios all through high school and then Tanya, Matt and Darryl just joined this year?”
“Yeah...three of my girls chose Glee Club” she almost spat the word out “over the Cheerios, so a few spots opened up. Tanya joined, and the boys couldn’t join football, so they joined the Cheerios for their social status instead.”
“Have you noticed anything? Something out of the ordinary for them?” Reid asked, trying desperately to look into his mother’s eyes.
“Well, besides the fact they were now popular and no longer getting slushied, not really.” Sue shrugged. “So what about you, my adorkable little son?” Sue reached out for Reid’s cheek, but he leaned back. “Aww, don’t want mommy to baby you in front of the police?” She turned to see the police officer fighting a laugh as Reid flushed.
“If you’re done now, ma’am?” Sue turned to see Hotch standing in the doorway.
“Oh, am I holding up your agent for another interview? Oh wait, there aren’t any, I’m the last on the alphabetical list. Now give me a moment with my son, would you?” Sue turned back, just missing the look of ice in Hotch’s eyes.
Reid noticed and stood abruptly, gathering his files. “Aww, now Spencer, leaving so soon?”
“I’ve got a job to do, Mom. I’ll come by after we catch him.” Reid hurried out of the room, Hotch following behind him.
“Reid, I’m sorry about that. A student, Rachel Berry, was demanding to know how much longer we’re going to take to catch the UnSub. JJ’s still talking to her.”
Reid forced a smile, as much for his benefit as for Hotch’s. “I’ll be fine. Anyway, there seems to be a connection between the Cheerios and the victims; all of the victims have either been part of the team for all of high school or have just joined. They were all also taught by the same Spanish teacher, but they only have one Spanish teacher here.”
“We’ll see if there are any links besides that. Good job, Reid.” Hotch clasped Reid’s shoulder. “Call Garcia and get her to run a check on students, current or recent grads, who’ve been part of the Cheerios. Then interview who you need to interview.”
“On it.” Reid called Garcia.
“Hello, Reid my boy! How is your wooing of our lovely Unit Chief going?”
“I am not wooing Hotch!” Reid hissed, watching Hotch’s retreating back for any sign he heard Reid.
“If you insist. Now, what did you need?”
“A list of all the students who’ve either quit or been forced out of the Cheerios in the past three years. It would have to be someone still at school or who graduated in the past three years; they wouldn’t know the exact timings for clubs to end otherwise.”
“The list will be on your phone momentarily. And just so you know, I have money on you making the first move. Don’t let me down!”
“Thanks, Garcia.”
“So, what’s this I hear about you not wooing Craggy there?”
Reid whirled to see his mother standing behind him. “Why, Reid, I didn’t know you were gay! Why didn’t you tell me! It’s not like I have any issues with it, as Porcelain here is aware.”
“I do wish you’d use my name.” The boy who’d just walked up behind Sue sighed.
“Speaking of which, why are you here?”
“Finn forgot something. Again. So I had to drop it off. And,” he turned to Reid. “I hope you catch this killer soon. Rachel is driving everyone mad with her worrying.”
“That’s what we’re trying to do. Now if you’ll excuse me...” Reid turned and walked away, resisting the urge to run.
“Garcia’s got something.” Reid came into the conference room, holding his phone in front of him. “She found nothing that matched exactly, but what she did find was a previous Cheerio’s member and the only open gay at school, Kurt Hummel. He recently transferred out to Dalton, an all boy’s school. He’d still know the timings. As well, people wouldn’t find it suspicious he was around the school; his brother Finn goes there.”
“Good work. Let’s head back to the school, talk to his teachers before we do anything. According to the pattern, there’s about a day before he abducts anyone else.”
“You’re asking me if I think Porcelain is a killer? You saw that boy yesterday, he’s scrawny as hell. No way he could grab anyone who didn’t want to be grabbed, and he’s got his eye on someone at his fancy school.”
“But you do know that he’s gay, and the Glee teacher, Will Schuster, did mention that you heckled the Glee club, Kurt in part-” Sue interrupted Hotch, surging to her feet.
“Are you accusing me of being anti-gay? If that was the case, you think I’d be in here with my son who apparently likes you, Craggy!” Reid blushed furiously, shoving his hands into his pockets. Hotch’s gaze darted to Reid before back to Sue.
Sue settled back into her chair. “There’s-” Reid began.
“Hotch, Reid!” JJ barged into Sue’s office. “Another boy’s been snatched, Kurt Hummel, just fifteen minutes ago.”
“Fill us in on the way.” Hotch turned.
“Actually, we have a description that needs conformation. He was tall with short curly brown hair. He was also wearing a McKinley football jacket.”
“That sounds like Karofsky.” Sue stood. “Kurt was being bullied him earlier this year, was the entire reason Kurt switched schools to begin with.”
Hotch nodded curtly. “Thanks for your assistance.” He turned and exited, Reid following with his head still focused on the floor.
JJ patted his arm. “Moms.” She said with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, Moms.” He nodded, letting his eyes dart up to Hotch’s broad back before back to the floor.
“So according to his friends, he’s usually home after school. There’s also an abandoned house he visits, according to his friends.” JJ pointed out the circles on the Lima Town Map.
“I’ll take the abandoned house; Reid, JJ, take his house.”
“I think I should stay here. Blaine, the boy who saw Kurt get snatched, he’s pretty distraught.” JJ pointed to the boy behind her, his striped tie unknotted and tears visible on his face.
Hotch nodded. “Let’s move out then.” Everyone started to move towards the entrance, Reid included. Hotch walked beside Reid and held the door for him, leaning forward a little to whisper “Be careful” into Reid’s ear, his warm breath sending tingles up Reid’s spine.
“Aaahhh!!!” A scream echoed through the house as the S.W.A.T. and Reid entered. Reid led them down to the basement.
“Wait.” Reid whispered. “He won’t see me as a threat and I should be able to talk him down. Call the other group.” The S.W.A.T. leader nodded.
Reid crept down the last few steps, and pushed the door open with the gun. Inside the room, Kurt was on the floor on back. His eyes were going black already and his nose was covered in dry blood.
Karofsky stood over Kurt, a baseball bat in his hand. “What the fuck are you doing here?” He demanded.
“I’m here to help him,” Reid replied, keeping his gun focused on Karofsky. “And y-”
“Oh, of course! Let’s help the gay kid, the perfect rainbow, what we should all strive to be! Out of the closet, where all the gays should frolic!”
“We should all strive to be ourselves.”
“And if that means staying in the closet?” Karofsky demanded. “Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t know anything about that! The great FBI agent, Sue Sylvester’s son! Straight as a fucking nail and sleeping with that blond who was wandering the school.”
“Look, this isn’t about me. This is about you.”
“And I want to know!” Karofsky twirled the bat, and Reid tensed.
“Well then...” Reid forced himself to stay steady; despite the fact Hotch might overhear him. “I’m not straight as a nail. In fact, I’ve got a lot in common with you.”Karofsky snorted. “I’m gay too. Would you believe I haven’t told a single person I work with?”
“Guess your team isn’t smart after all!”
“Or I’m very good at hiding it.” Reid countered. “And I’ve managed to keep a secret from them as well.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Footsteps behind him; he wasn’t ready for Hotch to find out, especially not like this. “I’ll tell you if you put the baseball bat down.”
Karofsky frowned. “Fuck that!” He raised the baseball bat and began to bring it down in one swift movement.
Reid fired, hitting Karofsky in the arm and causing him to drop the baseball bat next to Kurt. “Fuck!” Karofsky swore, staggering backwards as Hotch and the S.W.A.T. team entered. Reid knelt next to Kurt while Hotch leaned over Karofsky.
“Get an ambulance.” Hotch ordered, handcuffing Karofsky.
“Kurt,” Reid whispered. “Helps on the way.”
“Blaine?” Kurt whispered.
Reid looked up at Hotch, who nodded before escorting Karofsky upstairs. “I’ll have him met us.”
Reid called JJ. “Do you have him? How is he?”
“We’ve got him, a little bruised and battered but he’ll be alright with a little rest. Bring Blaine by.”
“We’ll be there in five.”
Sirens echoed above the house and moments later, the paramedic came down the stairs.
“KURT!” Blaine tumbled out of the SUV to rush to Kurt’s side.
“Bla-” Kurt opened his mouth to speak but Blaine had pulled himself up beside Kurt on the ambulance to kiss the other boy.
Reid looked away from the boys, instead focusing on the ground in front of him.
“Reid...” Hotch leaned next to Reid. “I want-”
“JJ’s waving, I’ll talk to you later.” Reid walked away, inner fear hastening his steps.
Hotch just watched him go, his eyes tracing the other man’s lean form. “Well, Craggy, you leaving with my adorkable soon?” Sue stepped up beside him.
“How did you get in here? This is a police-”
“It’s nothing.” Sue waved it away. “Now I want you to know something. And then do something about it. First, I want you to know that you may just be worth my adorkable. And now that you’ve got my permission...go get him!” Sue slapped Hotch on the shoulder.
Hotch looked out into the bullpen, Reid’s desk the lone light. JJ had left upon arrival, Henry being sick while the rest of the team was away on another case.
Reid had avoided him the whole way back and even here, burying himself in paperwork. Hotch hadn’t been able to get close to the other man or to talk to him. And he wanted to; he wanted to talk to Reid, figure out what Reid felt. Because he knew what he felt concerning Reid.
A knock on his door and then Reid stepped in. “I’m all done my reports. Here,” he placed them on Hotch’s desk, his hands shaking slightly. “I’ll see you tom-” Reid was already backing up to the door.
“Wait, Reid.” Hotch’s calm voice revealed none of his nerves. “Sit down.”
Hotch rose as Reid settled in one of the chairs in front of his desk; Hotch took the other. He didn’t want anything that would suggest authority over Reid. He wasn`t doing this as a BAU Chief, for the FBI; he was doing this Aaron Hotchner, for himself.
He reached out to take Reid`s hand, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of the other man`s hand. Reid swallowed nervously. “What did you want to talk about?” Reid whispered.
“I want to talk about what your mother said.” Hotch replied, watching for Reid’s reaction.
Reid flushed. “Can`t we just ignore it? I mean...” Reid trailed off as Hotch shook his head.
“No, we can`t Reid.”
“It won’t affect my work, Hotch. It hasn’t yet and-”
“It’s not about work, Reid.”
Hotch tugged gently on Reid’s wrist, pulling the other man into a kiss. Reid froze for a moment before returning the kiss with equal fever, all lips and tongue and teeth clashing together. Hotch’s other hand moved to Reid`s neck, holding him close while Reid`s hands grabbed at Hotch’s suit jacket and pulled him closer, almost off the seat.
Eventually, they pulled back, panting. “I get that. Now.” Hotch chucked and Reid looked away, flushing. “I just...”
A slight tug on his wrist caused him to look at Hotch. “What is it, Reid?” Hotch’s voice was firm and gentle.
“What if it doesn’t work out? What if we wreck the team because of this?” Reid started to talk faster, nerves taking over.
Hotch smiled and pulled him in for another, although less passionate, kiss. “We’ll make it work out. We can talk about it now, if you’d like.” Although Hotch wouldn’t mind more tonight, just a chance at him and Reid together meant he’d work through any doubts, any fears and any nagging questions Reid had.
“I think we could wait.” Reid said, cheeks heating up again. “It’s not like one night...” He swallowed nervously.
Hotch squeezed Reid’s wrist reassuringly. “Then may I suggest somewhere more comfortable then my office? Maybe my apartment?”
Reid blushed and nodded.
Standing a few feet from Hotch’s door, Garcia pouted. Damn it, she owed Rossi twenty bucks now! She had gotten one smoking hot kiss out it though...