October Challenges

Nov 03, 2006 14:27

I'm so behind on this it's not funny.  Is there a time limit for getting 'em all done? I don't have something for every day yet but I plan to.

Meanwhile, here's what I have so far ...

Oct 10 - Bruce Springsteen releases his 9th album "Tunnel of Love": write a drabble/ficlet inspired by one of the album's songs or song titles http://www.brucespringsteen.net/albums/tunnel.html Single word prompt: cuddle

Title: Ain't Got You
Author: Iocane
E-mail: iocane - at - iocane - dot - net
Feedback: More than welcome, including constructive criticism. Flames will be used to make s'mores.
Rating: PG
Pairing: McKay / Lorne unrequited
Summary: Some people can't see what's there.
Word Count: 204
Permissions: Wraithbait, Area 52, my own livejournal. Anyone else please ask, I'll probably say yes.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be.

Ain't Got You

Sometimes, Major Evan Lorne hates his commanding officer. Some men don't know what's right under their noses. Lorne saw it the day he arrived, and a few careful conversations revealed he wasn't the only one. Underneath all his bluster and arrogance, McKay was head over heels in love with Sheppard.

Even after Doranda, when it became evident that Sheppard didn't trust him. Evan doesn't know when he fell in love with the scientist, but it had been long enough that the pain of watching McKay and Sheppard together had settled into a dull ache.

Sometimes, in the dark, lonely nights, Lorne considered approaching McKay, offering something more than friendship. But he'd been down that road. He'd been someone else's second best, and he wasn't going to open himself up for that again, no matter how much he wanted the other person.

Instead, he would sit quietly, carefully ignoring Parrish's subtle advances. Parrish was attractive enough, but Lorne didn't want him; refused to lead him on. He would rather be alone than hurt anyone.

He was so busy burying his own desires, so busy being the professional, the good Major, the second in command ... He never saw the sarcastic, blue-eyed gaze cast his way.

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Oct 11 - John Bobbitt has plastic surgery to increase his penis 3 inches: write a drabble/ficlet where Lorne is telling his lover about "that horrible sports injury" he suffered back in college. Single word prompt: injury

Title: Five Injuries Major Lorne Never Sustained
Author: Iocane
E-mail: iocane - at - iocane - dot - net
Feedback: More than welcome, including constructive criticism. Flames will be used to make s'mores.
Rating: PG-13 (naughty implications)
Pairing: McKay / Lorne (Two are gen)
Summary: These never happened ...
Word Count: 324
Permissions: Wraithbait, Area 52, my own livejournal. Anyone else please ask, I'll probably say yes.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be.

Five Injuries Evan Lorne Never Sustained


Huddled in bed, clutching his crotch, Lorne cursed out his lover, who was looking appropriately red-faced and apologetic.

“I-I know I eat too fast, god, Evan, I'm sorry, do you want the doctor? Ice pack? Anything?” Rodney kept talking, promising never to eat before sex, and no more scarfing power bars during a crisis.

“Rodney,” Lorne finally growled out. “Just shut up, and go look for an Ancient cure for the hiccups.” He would have teethmarks on his cock for days because of this.

* / ** / *


“Hey! Watch this!” Evan Lorne hovered at the top, balanced easily on Sheppard's skateboard. Below him, the crowd of Marines and a few scientists were egging him on, while Rodney stood by, glowering.

Whether it was some flaw in the curve of the half-pipe, Rodney's glower effecting his lover's concentration, or some twisted karma for stealing his CO's toy, Lorne wasn't sure what happened.

All he knew was he woke up a few days later with a splitting headache and Rodney yelling at him for being a planet sized idiot, while at the same time holding his hand and stroking the back of it tenderly.

* / ** / *


Lorne had somehow gotten brow beat by Sheppard into giving the scientists basic self defense training. He ignored Zelenka's protests that he didn't need the classes. Figuring the scientist was protesting because he seldom went off-world, Lorne tried to go easy on him.

Three moves in, Zelenka got a grip on Lorne's wrist and that was all she wrote. Lorne was certain that sneaky physics played a huge part in the brace he wore on his arm the next three weeks.

* / ** / *


Someone needed to issue memos about mooning visiting dignitaries being a bad idea.

* / ** / *


“Do you, Meredith Rodney McKay take Evan Lorne to be your ...”

“I do.”

“Do you, Evan Lorne, take Meredith Rodney McKay to be your ...”

“Uhm ... well ... now that I think about it ...”

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Oct 12 - US Navy is formed: write a drabble/ficlet about Lorne's interaction with the Navy, riding on a Navy ship, stationed with navy personnel, cheering for the Army at the Army/Navy game - anything. Single word prompt: navy (could be the colour)

Oct 25 - Pablo Picasso born this day: write a drabble/ficlet about Lorne and his lover comparing body art (tattoos). Single word prompt: fingerpaints

Title: Inked - the Prequel
Author: Iocane
E-mail: iocane - at - iocane - dot - net
Feedback: More than welcome, including constructive criticism. Flames will be used to make s'mores.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lorne / Zelenka
Summary: Lorne asks Radek to do something for him.
Word Count: 100
Permissions: Wraithbait, Area 52, my own livejournal. Anyone else please ask, I'll probably say yes.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be.
Notes: This is a prequel to my story Inked.

Inked - The Prequel

“I know you don't leave Atlantis much, Radek, but it just takes one time ...” Lorne pleaded gently, sliding his fingers through the Czech's long hair.

Radek lifted his head from Lorne's chest, blue eyes more intense without glasses. “Alright, but only because you will also be getting one.”

“I have dog tags,” Lorne evaded.

“You get tattoo also or I won't.” Radek poked the major's stomach.

Lorne finally nodded, suppressing a shudder at the idea of all those needles piercing his skin, over and over- He was jolted out of his thoughts by a warm mouth sliding down his stomach.

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Oct 26 - U.S. performs underground nuclear test at Fallon Nevada: write a drabble/ficlet about Lorne and his lover exploding. Single word prompt: undercover

Title: The End
Author: Iocane
E-mail: iocane - at - iocane - dot - net
Feedback: More than welcome, including constructive criticism. Flames will be used to make s'mores.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lorne / Zelenka
Summary: Everything ends.
Word Count: 100
Permissions: Wraithbait, Area 52, my own livejournal. Anyone else please ask, I'll probably say yes.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be.
Warnings: Deathfic

The End

“You two are the stupidest sons of-”

“Rodney, we have to go NOW!” Sheppard dragged his scientist towards the gate.

Once they were through, just before the gate shut down for the last time, Lorne radioed Sheppard. “It's been an honor, Colonel.” Then he turned to Zelenka who was typing madly. Lorne could see the lifesigns converging on the gateroom, the death of the city marching ever closer.

“Self destruct in ten seconds,” Zelenka said breathlessly when he stopped typing.

It was long enough for Lorne to wrap Zelenka in his arms and hold on tight, for the last time.

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Oct 27 - Make a Difference Day: write a drabble/ficlet where Lorne makes a big difference in his lover’s life. Single word prompt: change

Title: Words Said
Author: Iocane
E-mail: iocane - at - iocane - dot - net
Feedback: More than welcome, including constructive criticism. Flames will be used to make s'mores.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lorne / McKay
Summary: Someone had to say it first.
Word Count: 100
Permissions: Wraithbait, Area 52, my own livejournal. Anyone else please ask, I'll probably say yes.
Episode: Trinity
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be.
Spoilers: Trinity
Notes: Quite possibly the shortest Trinity tag ever.

Words Said

“I forgive you,” Evan Lorne said quietly, standing a few feet behind his lover.

“It's not your place to forgive me. I didn't ask you to trust me. I didn't almost get you killed. I didn't shout you down in public and accuse you of professional jealousy. I don't need you to forgive me.” There was an angry hurt in the man's voice that it truly pained Lorne to hear.

“No, you don't. But someone has to. Sheppard, Weir, Zelenka, even you. You're too twisted up inside about it. I forgive you.”

It wasn't all he needed, but it helped.

- f i n -

That's everything so far.  Longest fic is a bit over 300 words, and most of them are drabbles.

pairings: lorne/mckay, author: iocane, pairings: lorne/zelenka

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