What If AU Challenge #12: Your Face Sketched On It Twice (Lorne/McKay, G)

Mar 03, 2018 15:29

Title: Your Face Sketched On It Twice
Author: nagi_schwarz
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Evan/Rodney, Rodney/John
Rating: AO3-G
Warnings: ANGST
Word count: 7813
Summary: McKay wakes in a field with no memory of how he got there or how to get home. As his memories unfold, he makes his way back, but he's not sure the place he gets to is home. Written for the whatif_au Challenge #12 Lost/Stranded. Thanks to the lovely brumeier for her speedy and excellent beta work and to SherlockianSyndromes for introducing me to the Joni Mitchell song A Case of You (which you really ought to listen to before you read this story, I also recommend the Rufus Wainwright cover, which can be found on Youtube), and also for introducing me to the Miike Snow song Genghis Khan.
Link to fic: On AO3

pairings: lorne/mckay

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