FIC: The Unseen Benefits of an Alien Marriage Ceremony - Stargate Atlantis - Parrish/Lorne - NC17

Dec 22, 2014 14:22

TITLE: The Unseen Benefits of an Alien Marriage Ceremony
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
PAIRING: Evan Lorne/David Parrish, background Markham/Stackhouse
CHARACTERS: Evan Lorne, David Parrish, Laura Cadman, Stackhouse, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Carson Beckett, Doctor Biro
WORDS: 5,735
NOTES: Written for The 12 Days of Slashing Lorne Festival
SUMMARY: SGA-4 has to present a couple to get married in order to begin trade negotiations, so Evan and David offer themselves up - and end up with unintended consequences

Fic can be read in my LJ at this link, or over on AO3 at this link.

12days challenge, author: squidgiepdx, pairings: lorne/parrish, rating: nc-17, 12days-07

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