12 Days of Lorne - Day 9 - Fic - Major Bangs (Lorne/Cadman)

Dec 24, 2012 08:43

Title: Major Bangs
Series: Lorne with the Lot
Author: Mandy
Characters: Lorne/Cadman
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 100
Summary: Lorne and Cadman like things that go bang

Laura liked things that went bang. Carson, it turned out, didn’t. She was however delighted to learn Evan did. Guns, grenades and explosions during working hours were fun, but it was the other types of bang they indulged in afterwards that were better. She especially liked to watch him finally explode after she'd restrained him and teased him, denying his orgasm until she'd played long enough.

The Medlab contained things that sparked and buzzed and zapped, although they weren't easy for soldiers to borrow unobtrusively. The Armory was a better source of pervertibles and nobody questioned anything the XO took.

12days challenge, 12days-05, pairings: lorne/other, genre: het, author: mandykaysfic

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