12 Days: Day 8: Bad Crystal - Lorne/Parrish (Gen)

Dec 21, 2012 16:43

Title: Bad Crystal!
Characters/Pairing: Parrish/Lorne, Beckett, Cadman
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 546

Happy Holidays for fififolle

Parrish paced along the path outside Beckett’s nook. The bells on his toes jingled with a merriment that was very out of place, given the circumstances. Carson wouldn’t let him into the nook to check on Lorne, so he didn’t know how his friend fared. It was worrisome.

As he was pacing, Cadman bounded up to him, smiling broadly. She fell into step beside him, the pom pom tied to the end of her red ponytail bobbing with each step. “Why so glum, chum?” she asked, poking him in the arm.

He let out a squeak of protest at swatted at her hand. “Lorne is... sick.”

She snorted and waved a hand dismissively, making a face. “Don’t be stupid, Parrish, pixies don’t get sick.”

“Well, Lorne is sick. Beckett said so. And I believe Beckett, because he’s a whole lot smarter than you or me or anybody in the greenhouse.”

“Even McKay?”

It was Parrish’s turn to snort. “Even McKay. He claims to know all this stuff, but he can’t even keep a cactus alive!”

They heard jingling as Beckett came walking towards them. He had a serious expression on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I think I know what caused it.”

Parrish grasped the fur trimmed edge of Beckett’s golden tunic. “What is it?”

“He’s been poisoned.”


“Aye. I don’t know how.”

Parrish gave a heavy sigh. “I do. He insisted on going exploring in the lower levels. HE must have touched something down there he shouldn’t have.”

Beside him, Cadman gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. “No one is allowed to go there!”

“Well, he followed that reckless Sheppard, the two of them are constantly getting into mischief. Parrish stomped a foot, which made a smattering of dust drift down from his wings.

“Will he die?” Cadman asked bluntly.

“I don’t know,” Beckett admitted.

“I’m going to ask that Sheppard what they did when they were exploring this time.” Parrish turned and stormed off in the direction of Sheppard’s nook.

Not only did Sheppard know what they had touched, he had a piece of it with him. A chunk of a crystal that glowed dully on the floor of his nook when Parrish poked his head in. Sheppard, like Lorne, was sick, sprawled out over his sleeping platform. Unlike Lorne, he didn’t share with anyone, so nobody had known he was sick.

The first thing he did, after dragging Sheppard to Beckett, was to take the piece of crystal out of his greenhouse. He wrapped it in a piece of fabric and hauled it away, leaving it far from the entrance and the green growing things and the living beings that tended to them.

By the time he got back to Beckett’s nook, Lorne was feeling better. His color was back to normal and he was awake when Beckett let him in to see him. Sheppard was beginning to stir too. He wasn’t sure whether to hug his nookmate or scold him for his foolishness. In the end, he hugged him and made him promise to be less reckless in the future.

Poisoning by crystals? It was a puzzle that would not be solved inside his greenhouse, not if it made people sick!

The End

12days challenge, 12days-05, pairings: lorne/parrish, author: rinkafic, rating: g

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