12 Days of Lorne Day 7- Fic - Light Switch (Lorne/Zelenka)

Dec 21, 2012 09:59

Title: Light Switch (no.7)
Series: Lorne with the Lot
Author: Mandy
Characters: Lorne/Zelenka
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Lorne doesn't mind playing light switch

Lorne really didn't mind playing light switch for Zelenka, especially when they discovered Ancient sex toys. They'd accrued quite a collection: things that vibrated, things that changed dimension, things that altered in temperature. Neither saw the point of the ones that only changed color. To Lorne's delight, Zelenka had turned out to be a willing guinea pig, eager to allow observation and recording of his body's responses, in the name of scientific research.

Today's items netted a metal detector, a heating pad, and then a metallic rope that made them smile when Lorne's gene caused it to coil on itself.

12days challenge, 12days-05, rating: pg-13, pairings: lorne/zelenka, author: mandykaysfic

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