Extra Offering for Slashing Lorne - Fic: First Day Back - Porndex (Parrish/Lorne/Dex) - NC17

Dec 19, 2012 12:45

TITLE: First Day Back
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
PAIRING: Porndex (Parrish/Lorne/Dex)
CHARACTERS: Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, David Parrish
WORDS: 1,250 of pure, unadulterated smut
NOTES: This is an add-on scene for  elderwitty's and my story, "A Branch of Golden Bells" which you technically don't have to read to read this - this is just plain porn.  Also, I know I'm not on the calendar for today as an extra offerer, but I figure since I wrote it, I should post it...
SUMMARY: Ronon comes back from a 16-day mission and finds Evan and David in their quarters.

Fic is located in my LJ.

author: squidgiepdx, pairings: lorne/parrish, pairings: lorne/ronon, pairings: 3some, rating: nc-17

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